TN Forum Picnic info
Here is the details, if everyone will please give me a head count by 05/05/08. I think we will do what I said before, everyone/family bring enough food to feed them and we will just put all the food together. We should have plenty of room for that and still have a few tables for folks to sit on if they want/need to. Below is all the details and as it gets closer to time I will post directions.
Where: Two River's Park-shelter#5
When: Saturday May 17th @ 1:00 (we have the shelter from 6am-11pm). The time is very flexible, so ya'll just tell me.
The Shelter has 3 rows of tables and 4 tables in each row. There is no electricity and no grills. We can have music, and we can have grills. If you wanna grill you will be responsible for everything for that.
This was the last shelter for that day and nothing for the next week, so I got what I could. There is a small playground about 50yds away, the bathroom is about 100yds away,there is a larger playground about 150yds away. The skate park is about 200yds away. Now I am not good with measuring distance, so all of these are approx and are by DH (he knows all).............HEHE. They also have bike/walking trails and frisbee golf. I think it would be a great idea for everyone to bring lawn chairs if they have them.
I think this about covers it for now. Like I said, I would like to have a good idea of head count by 05/05/08 and I will post directions later on. I hope this is allright with everyone and hope we have a huge turnout.
Again, this is for the TN Forum Board, but anyone/everyone is invited to join us.
Cheryl, Thanks for putting this all together. I knew when we talked last Friday about this at DInner Club, that this could happen. I will not be able to attend this day. It is my grandson's first birthday and we are having his birthday party at 2pm in Cheatham County at the Lock A recreation center down by the river. I will be helping my daughter and son-in-law with this one. Then my husband and I have tickets to a comedy show at 7pm. May 17th will prove to be a busy day for everyone.
I do hope that everyone has a good time and wears plenty of sunscreen.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN