Hi Cheryl! This sounds wonderful! The 24th would be better for me, but we could still make it the week before. Either will do! Can't wait to see everybody!
Hi Cheryl. Sounds like fun. I like the 17th better. The 24th is Memorial Day weekend and I am planning on going out of town (hopefully!). But whatever you guys decide is fine. Just let me know the details and what I can do to help.
I think either weekend is fine. Just let me know how much money we will owe you for the rental on the picnic area. I will have to have five hundred weeks in advance notice so I can prepare a dish. Ya'll know I don't cook.
Weekend of the 17th for us too. Q graduates on the 24th... and turns 19 on the 23rd... and we have way too many of Pat's people comin' in town.... HELP!!! lol
"I thank thee, O my God, for all the graces thou hast bestowed on me." St. Therese of Lisieux