Dinner Club Last Night
Hello Cheryl, We had a great time as well. Marc enjoyed meeting everyone. As for the picnic, I am very interested, it would be great if you could make some phone calls to area parks and check them out. Depending on the fee, we could ask for everyone who could attend to pay a minimal fee of $0.50-$2.00. What do you think about that??
PM me with the information you find out. I will post my email address and phone numbers if you need to get in touch with me during the day. I usually don't get to this website until evening when I get home.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Hey all! Just a quick post before I get ready for a sorority reunion...
I love the idea on the picnic, can we combine the dinner and lunch groups? Whatcha think, Susan?
The dinner club was a great night and I loved gettting to see everyone, Pam, Barb, Cheryl, and meeting Sherri, and Becky...thanks for being there. I was worried they wouldn't have the back room for us, but they did such an outstanding job and I get to see a lady I used to be a job coach for who works there...so that was nice. I posted a pic on my page, I'm not sure how to do it so everyone can see so maybe someone can talk me through it. Please don't rat me out though for drinking a cosmopolitan though...after the week I had I sure needed it! lol! You all have a great Sunday!