Another protein absorption thread

on 4/25/08 12:08 am, edited 4/25/08 12:22 am - Madison, TN
I have always been afraid of new postops not getting in enough protein.  It seems for men, they have no problems!  I don't know why this is, but they seem to be able to eat food and get in their daily protein intake.  Many of us ladies are unable to get in our daily protein requirements through food and must look to supplements in forms such as shakes, "protein bullets", or bars.  While I know that nutritionists chide us to get protein intake from food, the truth is that our tummies are so small...  its like telling someone (a non wls person) to eat an entire Thanksgiving dinner.  How is one normal person going to eat an entire table of dishes and turkey with the limitations of a stomach the size of a football?  It would take them all day!  Well for some of us wls patients, eating 4 oz of chicken and putting it into a stomach the size of a thumb...  kind of like putting a square peg into a round hole.  Many nutritionists want wls patients to get ALL protein from food...  sometimes it just is not possible...  they do not want us to use protein shakes, products.  I have pondered the reasoning for this... and I wonder if its not because they are normal...  they look at life through a non wls patient's eyes.  They have a lot of book knowledge, but experientially speaking, they do not know what it feels like to have their insides re-routed...  or to have eaten a few bites only to be full and then throw up their guts.  Logically, it sounds good.  Practically, it just doesn't always work the way it should. Susan and I, along with many others, have discussed this topic of protein absorption, which seems to cast a shadow of doubt among wls patients of whether they should or should not drink protein products.  It probably will be a lifelong discussion as the "word on the street" is that we can only absorb 30 g at a time.  This causes the big question:   "If I have a 42 g protein bullet, should I not drink it all at once because I only absorb 30 g, and the remaining 12 g is wasted?"  This causes many to count every single protein gram, and makes them afraid to drink it. The danger can come when a person tries to add protein powder (23g) to a New Whey bullet (42 g) and think that they have their daily allotment total in for the day in that one drink of 65 proteins...  the conclusion is that its best spaced out over a period of time...  starting the day with a 42 g protein bullet, then a few hours later drinking another protein shake is not a bad idea.... I continued to search and I hope you all trust Obesity Help and the medical professionals that they have posting here.  I did find an excellent thread with a registered dietitian(s) response regarding the protein intake, and she did a good job at explaining protein absorption.  I hope the link works.  If not, please pm me and I will send you the link or the Word document where I cut/pasted the thread.  I do not claim to be a medical personnel.  (I have tried to do research to find the 30 g protein absorption rule on medical sites, and have been unfruitful in that labor)...  I am only a wls person who had MAJOR problems early on getting in protein...  and GUESS what?  I lost a lot of hair.  I ended up in the hospital.  I was on a feeding tube for 6 days.  I surely do not ever want anyone to experience that!  It was horrible.  My desire is that you are all healthy!  And have long flowing beautiful locks of hair!  Except for you men... !  Anyway, here's the link...  good reading! Protein absorption It is also found under "Forums", "Diet and Nutrition", and then the date of the post on that message board is Sept. 7, 2007.  I found it on page 43.


one hot mama
on 4/25/08 9:32 am - Tennessee/ Alabama
I had the same concerns today so I went to the vitamine shop and bought some protein bars and the whey protein bullets I really need to do much much much better, Thanks for the eye raising suggestion and concern. Thats why your my bestest OH buddy Mel.
 Army Wife
mrs. neenaj
on 4/26/08 6:29 am
How ironic that you posted this today because I'm not getting nearly enough protein in and I'm scared to do the shakes because my surgeon and nut. doesn't want us to drink our protein or calories. Yesterday I had a protein chocolate milk for breakfast but I was already having severe abdominal pain and throwing up so I didn't eat lunch.(I've had the chocolate protein milk before) When I got home, I ate some triscut type crackers to help with my nausea. I finally got a little more protein later that night with some shrimp.

I don't know why I have such bad abdominal pain at times it has happened twice and it lasts for about 4 days but this was the first time that I was actually throwing up. The first time I had a scope done and everything looked good. I haven't eaten anything on those days that would cause dumping so I don't know what is going on. I'm just really worried about my protein intake because I'm not getting nearly enough.

My dr. and nut. doesn't want us to snack at all and I don't know how I'm supposed to get in my protein with the little bit that I eat. Well I know that y'all will have some suggestions for me. Thanks Melinda for educating me.
Susan J.
on 4/26/08 7:13 am - Madison, TN
If I may give you my opinion about snacks... To me a snack is food eaten in addition to a regular meal. If you look at the amount of food that would be required for you to get all of your protein in without using supplements, I believe you would see that it is more than what you can consume in 3 meals.  If you take that same volume and break it down into 6 "mini" meals, you might have a better chance of getting it all in. While your nut may consider this snacking, I consider it 6 planned mini meals.  It also allows you to fuel your body every 2 - 3 hours instead of every 5 - 6 hours. This helps keep your blood sugars more stable and prevents the low blood sugar episodes that many WLS patients experience. Especially as we get farther out and our bodies have less of a fat store to draw from. Then there are those of us who find that we simply cannot get in the amount of protein we need without supplements. As Melinda said, our doctors and nutritionists are basing their recommendations on a normal system, our systems are not normal. There is a big difference between a normal person sitting down to meal of a cup or more of food and us sitting down to 1/4 or 1/2 cup of food.  If we try to eat solid food when we simply are not hungry, it is not staying down. I would rather drink a protein shake and keep the nutrition in my body than force a meal that causes me to throw up and that can be potentially damaging to my pouch. I feel best when I get in 100 - 120 grams of protein each day, and I'm only 5'3". One of our friends who is about 6' needs over 150 grams of protein each day to feel her best.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

mrs. neenaj
on 4/26/08 10:13 am
Thanks Susan that makes sense and I do get shaky when I don't eat. Wow your friend takes in 150 grams of protein, that is probably what I need to work up to since I'm 6'3. I'm going to try some more protein powders, thanks to Melinda and get my protein in.
on 4/27/08 6:42 am - Madison, TN
Yeah SuseeeQ.  I agree about the 6 mini meals.  I make my eating day: 1A.  Early Morning Protein - only 1/2 scoop of a protein powder in my coffee 2.    Breakfast (usually an egg) 1B.  Mid Morning Protein - another 1/2 scoop of protein powder (this one and the early morning one really account for only one since I half them, and allows me to have my coffee several times) 3.  Lunch - regular lunch (usually small, consisting of mostly protein such as chicken breast) 4.  Afternoon Protein - 1 scoop protein powder in a drink which keeps the snackies away and I'm full til supper 5.  Supper - regular meal, high protein 6.  Evening Protein


mrs. neenaj
on 4/27/08 10:06 am
Wow that's a lot of protein. I need to up my protein big time and I'll do it with some of the drinks you told me about.
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