Horrible week...but no surprise
This week has been terrible. I had a real problem with work, and did not feel like my boss supported me. But, my direct supervisor and EVERYONE on staff wanted to make sure I didn't quit. But, I actually did think about it. I love Hospice, but maybe taking care of dying people and their families is too much for me, especially this week. I miss my son. I am having a really bad time. I have eaten poorly this week...not sugar, but more carbs and fat than normal. I did exercise everyday, but I skipped water aerobics tonight. I am so darn tired, I can hardly stand it. I am sure it is depression and grief. I just want the next few weeks to be over! Matt's birthday is May 5, and then Mother's Day follows right behind. I expected to be a grandmother by now! Please keep praying, I'll try to be back to normal soon.
Hang in there. You know from past anniversaries that this will pass even though it hurts like hell now.
Perhaps our Matts have found each other in heaven and your Matthew is being a big brother to our Mattaeus.
You're right...Mother's Day is pretty hard to take. Our church always has "Baby Day" on that day and they parade all of the babies born into our church during the past year. It rips my heart out every year.
You know we are praying for you.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.