
on 4/20/08 2:30 pm - Crossville, TN
Please don't go we all will miss you. I have tryed to read all of your messages and your web page to find out if I am treating my pouch rite and for all of the encoragement of going on with this life stile. Good luck and come back soon . Your friend Jan
on 4/20/08 9:49 pm - Springfield, TN
 Sweet girl you know I love ya and I respect you as a friend. I am here for you always please remember that. I agree things have changed here since I started posting and I don't post as often as I used to. I really hate to see you go... I know we will keep in touch but still you have so much knowledge to share and experience people can learn from. I will respect your decision however because I care about you as a person more importantly as a friend. You have my email, you have my number please do not hesitate to contact me ever. Love ya girl !!!!!!

on 4/20/08 10:01 pm - Antioch, TN

I understand where Melinda is coming from.  Although I am still considered a "newbie", I have read these posts with vigilance.  It seems lately there have been some posts that have seemed rather snippy and it really concerns me.  We are all members of this board to learn from each other and to encourage each other.  Never should another person on this board become catty or snippy with another individual's post.  The one thing everyone needs to remember is that we not all had the same surgery, nor have we all used the same surgery center or doctor.  Therefore, everyone's situation is different - hence the reason for being on here - TO LEARN HOW TO EFFECTIVELY USE THE TOOL TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.  So, when someone posts something that is different than what you have been told by your doctor or nutritionist, you should be intelligent enough to do some research and as pertinent questions of your medical team. I for one hate to see Melinda step away from this board because she is a "veteran", does her homework and is vigilant in using her tool to the ultimate.  Everyone needs to remember where you came from and where you want to get too.  You can't do that if you are not implementing life long changes.  Furthermore, you didn't have your surgery just so you could go on another diet and get to your goal weight only to start eating like your pre-surgery self again. So as for the cattiness and the tearing down of other individuals when they post, please remember what it felt like to be ridiculed and made fun of when you were pre-surgery.  It is the same principle on here as well. Sorry to be so "to the point" and "in your face", but we are all grown adults afterall and this type of behavior should have stopped a long time ago.  Thanks.

lghthsewtchr AKA Wendy Siebert

on 4/20/08 11:58 pm - Nashville, TN
I agree with all that has been said on this matter...We don't want you to leave!!!!!  But I agree with Wendy also, we have all had different surgeries, by different Dr.'s and different hospitals!!!  You know what?  That makes us all different!   I'm glad we're all different!  I don't think I would want to live in a "cookie cutter" world where everyone is the same.  So...we all have different opinions, feelings, and emotions.  That's what makes us human!  That's how we learn...from each other! I don't like the fighting, cattiness, and some of the other things that have happened in the short time  I have been here either!  But I hope we can put all this behind us and become what we are truly known for...SUPPORT!!!!! I'm going out on a limb here with this statement...I have feelings, emotions, and sometimes just a bad day!  That's right, I'm a guy and I'm not suppose to feel like this.  WRONG!!!  I'm human!  Yesterday, I had a bad day and responded to a post.  It went back and forth and my feelings were hurt.  After much thought, I apologized for what I said.  I know that does not make it better, but I was truly sorry.   We all have those days.  If you say you don't... , well thats another story!  I believe what makes us different is how we grow from those moments in our life.  What we actually do after we have thought about it.  What did I do, I apologized because I knew I was wrong I hate to see Melinda leave.  But if you must go, know this...You have been and will continue being a true friend!  An inspiration!  A teacher!  A leader!  And I wish you the best!
on 4/21/08 12:00 am - Chattanooga, TN
Well....Mel...I hope I have never answered a post while half asleep or something and hurt any feelings. You are so wonderful to have on the board. You post great info and recipes. You're avatar is GORGEOUS and INSPIRATIONAL! You truely take the time to answer posts and make everyone feel welcome. I do appreciate all you do here. If this is a decision that we could change your mind about...I hope we can. If not.....I wish you blessings and continued success... Beth B. in Chattanooga
Melissa M.
on 4/21/08 3:26 am
I agree with everything that has been said, you are a true inspiration for me and others.  I would hat e to see you leave, but I can also undertand if you feel as thought you need to.  Love ya Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


on 4/21/08 3:32 am, edited 4/22/08 1:31 am - Meridianville, AL
Well, I was gonna keep my mouth shut - but here goes.  I must have missed something, and from the looks of things going on here, I am glad I did. Each and every one of you veterans (as in someone who has already had WLS) are valuable to this board and to us soon to be losers. It's not about, or shouldn't be, who knows more or who thinks this or who thinks that. It is about your experiences and sharing that with others so we can learn from your journey. your successes, and your mistakes. What you offer is FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE  about WLS. Your personal experience, which may or may not be the same as another's, but is none-the-less important and invaluable to others who follow.  You are the ones who, through your knowledge and experiences, offer hope and anticipation to those of us following or about to follow in your footsteps. I live in Alabama but feel like I belong on this board, probably because of my choice of Dr. Richards and Vanderbilt. I respect each and every one of you folks and learn a lot from each of you.  It is often hard to express one's intended attitude, expression, and tone of delivery in a typed posting on the internet - much harder than in person. Maybe when someone types a respone to another's post, it is taken in the wrong context, or assumed to be a personal attack, when in fact it was never meant as such. Perhaps having a little tougher hide while also giving others the benefit of the doubt would help. Even though I have only met Bob L. in person, I feel like you all are my friends and comrades in a fight against an enemy we all have in common. That in itself makes us, or should make us,  feel a bond. Please don't let pettiness or misunderstandings destroy such a great place of support for so many. Let's not let this great board become just another, and please excuse the language, moaning and *****in' board. There are already enough of those.  Well, that's it - my $.02 worth. My opinion. And we all KNOW what opinions are like . . . right!!   (Please do not throw rotten tomatoes or other foods at me as I am on my second 8-day liquid diet. If you must throw something, please make sure it is in a liquid form! )
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 4/21/08 3:35 am - Meridianville, AL
Oh yeah, almost forgot . . . GROUP HUG EVERYBODY!!!
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 4/21/08 3:45 am - Nashville, TN
  Big Hug 
on 4/21/08 4:28 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Hi to all, sorry it has taken so long, cortizone finally kicked in somewhat!. I do need to say one thing about this subject. I love each and everyone of ya'll.  My daddy used to say " opinons are like butts, everyones got one some just alittle  different then others," well that is the how we as folks have to take life.  And as far as the forum just be'n for surgery patients it really is not. It is for all that have obesity issues. It took me over 2 yrs. to remedy the issues whether it be the surgery or the diet, the issue is solved, thank the support group, family  and god. All played such and important roll in every part of the process. I couldn't of done it without anyone. Love to all Barb Group Hug
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