I got a present today
I usually give presents... don't usually receive them! I told a co-worker that I loved her bag. It was a very oversized bag, but thin, large enough to put files into. I have been carrying a Publix cloth bag with all my protein and groceries into work each day. And, I use it for my protein products on weekends as I no longer leave the house without these essentials since having low blood sugar episodes.
So she came back with a beautiful dark red bag... fits under my shoulder just perfect! Oh it is so nice, and I can't wait to use it. There are some pockets in the back part, and its actually a laptop bag but perfect for whatever I need to use it for...
I thought that was a very nice gesture. I asked, 'Do you want me to pay you for this?' and she said no, its been sitting under her desk for a few months now and she has never used it!
Those are the kind of co-workers we all need. I have 2 that are pretty much anti-social with everyone else. Not to mention they both like to hum and they sound like a pair of cows with mad-cow disease. Anyone know the way to the slaughter house? Just kidding - I actually have my MP3 player with me at all times at work and have started using the headphones to it instead of the external speaker. Makes the day go by so much faster.