Something in here for everybody ------->
Okay so,,,,
I am a few days behind... I missed the lunch bunch.... I am so sad about that.... And I have missed so much more.....
I am trying to catch up... I have tried working forwards in the direction of the latest post and I have tried working backwards to the oldest post... And I can't catch up for right now... Scott... no remarks from you about only being 2 days behind as opposed to 6....
So I looked out my window and saw that the sun was shining (finally) and that I needed to go out side to be more productive... If I am more productive then I can in some small way be an encourager to all my buddies out there that need encouragement.
If I sit in here and think about how much my anti depressant medicine is messed up and how much my much deserving friend in Alabama did not get his surgery and how much my sweet friend across town had to take a job she hated and lost her car and lost her phone and has no insurance to cover WLS then I get pretty depressed and will sit here and be no good to anybody....
So, I am gonna go pull weeds in the sunshine to help you and to help me.....
I love each and every one of you so much....
Laura,,,,,, I hope you have not forgot about our conversation to come...... I hate that we can only talk weekends.... Cheryl,,, you and I have so much to catch up on...... I have had to depend on Ms. Barb to relay to me about you when I ask her so desperately how you are doing... we will catch up...... Brenda in Clarksville!!!! I can not find you.... Please let us hear from you!!!! I do not know how to get a hold of you...... (ms. Brenda has a husband that is deployed) (we need to find her and tell her how much we are here for her) (even though she has had WLS there is a such of thing called Transfer addiction.... I live on that street) (we need to hear from Brenda)
Ms. Gidget... I luv you hun... I think of you often..... The group needs to remember that Ms. Gidget has a husband that is deployed too.... She has 4 beautiful children that she is taking care of and she has been very strong for us and a motivator for many of us that could not pull ourselves from the TV to go out and walk the dog.... Gidget... I luv u hun..... Misty.... What can I say.... You rock my world...... Can't wait to take pictures of you and your baby........ Melissa #3.... I haven't got to catch up with you lately but I am gonna........ Sherry.... Dang... I missed meeting you on Saturday..... We will get another chance hun... I promise.... My sweet Jane has such a wonderful support group.... Thank you to that wonderful support group.... They were so educated and wonderful folks to be around..... Ms. Jane.... Have I told you how lucky you are lately??? Your great support group is even going to go to the big Walk for Obesity Sale on Saturday just to purchase some items for you to wear when you shrink down in the next few weeks.... If that is not love.... I do not know what love is....... Bob L..... Imma have to call Debbie back and ask her about finger stuff and all that cause I dunno what you are talking about... But she is just precious to me and I know when I ask her a question she is gonna help me..... Elainea.....It won't be long now..... You are going to be holding your baby real soon... And that will make it worth it all........ You know how much I luv you guys.... I gotta go outside.... I will talk to you when it gets dark..........Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your world.... Being part of your world makes it easier to wake up to mine.....
Laura,,,,,, I hope you have not forgot about our conversation to come...... I hate that we can only talk weekends.... Cheryl,,, you and I have so much to catch up on...... I have had to depend on Ms. Barb to relay to me about you when I ask her so desperately how you are doing... we will catch up...... Brenda in Clarksville!!!! I can not find you.... Please let us hear from you!!!! I do not know how to get a hold of you...... (ms. Brenda has a husband that is deployed) (we need to find her and tell her how much we are here for her) (even though she has had WLS there is a such of thing called Transfer addiction.... I live on that street) (we need to hear from Brenda)
Ms. Gidget... I luv you hun... I think of you often..... The group needs to remember that Ms. Gidget has a husband that is deployed too.... She has 4 beautiful children that she is taking care of and she has been very strong for us and a motivator for many of us that could not pull ourselves from the TV to go out and walk the dog.... Gidget... I luv u hun..... Misty.... What can I say.... You rock my world...... Can't wait to take pictures of you and your baby........ Melissa #3.... I haven't got to catch up with you lately but I am gonna........ Sherry.... Dang... I missed meeting you on Saturday..... We will get another chance hun... I promise.... My sweet Jane has such a wonderful support group.... Thank you to that wonderful support group.... They were so educated and wonderful folks to be around..... Ms. Jane.... Have I told you how lucky you are lately??? Your great support group is even going to go to the big Walk for Obesity Sale on Saturday just to purchase some items for you to wear when you shrink down in the next few weeks.... If that is not love.... I do not know what love is....... Bob L..... Imma have to call Debbie back and ask her about finger stuff and all that cause I dunno what you are talking about... But she is just precious to me and I know when I ask her a question she is gonna help me..... Elainea.....It won't be long now..... You are going to be holding your baby real soon... And that will make it worth it all........ You know how much I luv you guys.... I gotta go outside.... I will talk to you when it gets dark..........Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your world.... Being part of your world makes it easier to wake up to mine.....
Trina, thanks for thinking of me, you are a sweetheart. We will be there Sat also, will be good to see you again. As far as Barb keeping you informed on us, well I don't know what I would have done without her. She has called so many and posted so much for us. I guess when Secretary's Day comes around I will have to do something for her........LOL