Sluggish And Run Down
Get your labs checked agian. I wouldn't wait until July. You could be running low on your iron or B vitamins. The B-12 shot a lot of WLS patients have to give do good with giving energy back. Hopefully you can get your labs run and see what it is so you can get it corrected and feel better.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Hey Wendy, I know how you feel. I get all my protein but I have a hard time getting my liquids. Dr. gave me foltrin. Are you taking that? I started taking the liquid calcium so I don't have to take all those pills. I take iron in morning (330am) and calcium in afternoon (4-5pm). I've been blaming my tiredness on the fact that I get up at 3:30am everyday. We have an onsite nurse practitioner where I work so I went in there yesterday and got a B12 shot. I actually feel a little better. Hope you find out what's going on and get to feeling better soon!!