I finally figured it out!!!
OMG!!!!!!!! That for sure doesn't even look like you. You are awesome and have done awesome and will continue to do awesome. You are such a inspriation to us all. Thanks for everything that you do for us all. Enjoyed the meeting last night, going to start on my To Do List later today. Hope you have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Cheryl, I would not have known that was you. WHAT AN AMAZING transformation!! You do inspire others. WAY TO GO!!!
Sorry I missed the meeting last night, had intended to attend, work ran late, then I hit the gym. Maybe next month, as I know the walk is in September and help is what is needed to make this walk come off without a hitch.
Please let me know if there is something specific a medical professional (RN) can assist with.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
First of all, I have to say...you look absolutely amazing! You're progress has been simply inspiring. With that being said...the little green monster is coming out of the closet momentarily...I can't believe you've hit your goal wieght and are looking at plastic surgery! I can't get my last few off! Ok, pushing the monster back into the closet. Maybe I'm done losing weight but I'm not letting up. It's people like you, Sheila, and everyone else who inspire me! I can't wait to see the new you. Your transformation is awesome!