Hey if you think a sexy nurse is going to shave you guess again. The nurse that shaves you before surgery is named "Bob" no kidding! And no not this Bob.
SAY WHAT?!! I've never been shaved by a Bob before!
No wait . . . yes I have, everytime I shave I get shaved by a Bob. BwaHahahahaha!!!!
Of course, I'd prefer a ******y Bobbie instead!!! Hehehe!!
Excited about your joining us on the Losers Bench. There is plenty of room here for you. Best of luck tomorrow. Will be lifting you up in our prayers.
Bob I will be praying for you and will be happy to scoot over for another loser. :D By the way, my hometown is Fayetteville, TN not too far from you. I live in Clarksville now but go home a few times a year.