Need some support about plateaus, especially right after surgery

on 4/13/08 12:34 pm - Memphis, TN

Would like to have some of you "veterans" tell me about your plateaus, especially the one you had right after your surgery.   When I came home, I lost 14 lbs immediately in the first week.  Seems like the scale is playing games with me.  One day I loose 1 more day gained 2. I am drinking my protein, eating what I am suppose to, started exercising this week.   I just need some information please to help me ....not to think I am the first failure of the gastric bypass surgery. Since I started the official journey in Nov 07, I have lost 35 lbs and 24". PLEASE HELP. Sharon/Memphis


on 4/13/08 12:46 pm, edited 4/13/08 8:38 pm - Nashville, TN
Sharon,            It is normal to become fearful when you have had WLS and stop losing weight, and I believe that I am safe when I say, that we are all afraid that we are going to be the one that it does not work on.  With that said, plateaus are very normal and the ones right after surgery are as well, especially since your body is in shock.  It tends to go into a starvation mode and holds onto everything, however once it figures out you are not starving it and this is now your new life, you will begin to lose!!! YEAH!!!  This may take a week, two, or even more as everyone is different.  Also, remember that when you build muscle Flexed Arm , it weights more than fat and if you have just began excercising, you are building muscle, in which you may not show on the scales.  I have also noticed, I will either lose inches or weight, so I would suggest getting out the tape measure Dieting , you may be surprised to see that you are actually losing several inches, which means your clothes are getting TOO BIG, due to your shrinking!!!  You are doing great, so keep up to GREAT JOB, LOSER!!! Hope this helps!! Shelia  One of the "Veterans"  Shock 4  LOL!!     That sounds so funnyRoll, I would have never imagined that a year ago, when I was in you shoes, just think, you will be answering these questions for someone else one day soon!!!
on 4/13/08 6:23 pm - Nashville, TN
I would never consider myself a veteran!  But, ditto to everything Shelia said.  I think this is a thought that everyone has.  Even though I was prepared for this, it still was concerning that I'm not losing!  Just hang on and weather this storm, it will pass and then you will be thinking..."How do I stop losing weight?"
on 4/14/08 5:51 am - Memphis, TN
Scott, Did you have any plateaus?  Seemed like everytime I read your messages you had lost more.  I was telling my husband about your loss and how wonderful it is to see your progress. Congratulations Sharon/Memphis


on 4/14/08 6:40 am - Nashville, TN
Yes I did!  At weeks 3-5 I only lost 1 pound!  So it is normal to slow way down.  I promise, you will wake up one morning and have lost 6 pounds and wonder where it went!
Cheryl P.
on 4/13/08 11:31 pm - Antioch, TN

Hi Sharon, I had the band so I'm not sure, what my "2" cents will be worth to you, but here goes. I had this same problem, I did not have scales at home (couldn't find/afford the ones that went real high), therefore I didn't know what my weight was until I went to the doctor. I think that was best for me, that way I didn't see that "roller coaster" weight ride. I was losing everytime I went, then one time I only lost 2lbs and the very next time I gained 3lbs, that was over about 6 weeks. But when I seen that 3lb gain, I freaked, well then with the help of stress and Phil (dh) I lost 35lbs in just little over 4 weeks. I would not recomed doing it that way But this will happen and I hate to say it, but it will probably happen again. Just keep on keepin on and it will get better. Just to as the doctors say, and you will do just fine.  Cheryl



on 4/14/08 12:23 am - Goodlettsville, TN
I babydoll, I hit that a couple of weeks ago, that is about where you are at. It's alright, and it will happen, take a breathe and smell the flowers if they didn't freeze. It's gonna happen from time to time. I am down 27 lbs. from surgery date. But the stop and start times comes and goes. It's alright sweetie and I'm not a pro, I just a concerned,emotional, and huggiable friend. Love ya Barb - Glitter Graphics
on 4/14/08 1:34 am - Memphis, TN
Thanks to all of ya'll for your encouragement.  I guess it reminds me of when I attempted all those diets in the past, did OK for a little while, but then when this wall hit, I would just eat.  One thing different is I don't want to eat, can't eat stuff I would have ate, so I am sitting with the feelings.  Of course, I know feelings sometimes are uncomfortable....but I wanted others help me get thru this hump. I don't know when I ever lost 35 lbs and 24 inches in 5 months.....just my head hasn't caught up with my reality.   Again, I really needed this feedback and very greatful for everyone of this forum. Sharon/Memphis


mrs. neenaj
on 4/14/08 3:10 am
I so know what you're going through because I am coming off of a 3 week stall myself. It is so scarey and frustrating. I was glad to have this place to read that this was normal. I understood about my body clinging to everything for dear life because it is in shock but I still was upset.
on 4/14/08 5:49 am - Memphis, TN
I have tried to not look at the scale, or get on the scale but it is soooo hard.  My friend was on the same plateau but since Friday she has lost 4 more pounds,, she had surgery 1 week before me.  I guess time on my hands has something to do with my obsessing also.  I will be back to work next week.  I need to write two papers for school but can't seemed to get focused.  This was another reason I thought I would ask for information from others on this list. Patience is not always easy. Again, thanks for sharning ya'll. Sharon/Memphis


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