Jane... You are being paged... Jane could you please pick up on line #1

Truly Trina
on 4/11/08 5:00 am - Nashville, TN
Ms. Jane..... 

  I need to hear from you hun..... 

  What time is your surgery on Monday?   What time are you supposed to be at the hospital....?????? 

      We are gonna give ya a group hug because today is Friday and you got all weekend for your mind to play evil tricks on you...  LOL   We love you Jane...  You are part of us and never ever forget that.....   Is your awesome support group gonna be in the waiting room???   If they are, then that is pretty good cause there is gonna be some good times happening while you are being re-routed.....  LOL  .

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 4/11/08 5:23 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Hey hon, you gonna do just fine, Trina's right who else has this kind of support back'n them up. You are in wonderful hands hon. Just lay back and it will be over, all you will do it sleep. Have pleasant dreams honey. Ones where you are dancing around the tables. I am so excited for ya. Congrats sweetie. Luv ya Barb
Truly Trina
on 4/11/08 5:48 am - Nashville, TN
Hey... Ms. Barb...   So good to see ya hun..... 

  I absolutely loved how you phrased that....  You are in wonderful hands, all you do is go to sleep...... you will wake up and it will all be over....I love that.....

    Imma put you on the payroll with Scott and ms. Freddie...

  Please see human resources for you bonus check and your benefits package....LOL...LOL...LOL

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Jane O.
on 4/11/08 3:06 pm
Thank you Barb!  I remember meeting you at the lunch bunch in January, but I'm looking forward to being able to spend some time talking to you.  I'm not going to try to make the lunch tomorrow because I think being around all that eating would just be too much for me.  But you can count on me being there for the next one--maybe even the dinner at the end of April.  You seem to be doing so well, and that is so encouraging to me.  I read every word that is written on here, but so far I don't have a lot to contribute.  My experience with the real thing begins Monday!!  I'm going to do just what you said, "Lay back and it will be over".  Perfect advice!  Thank you so much!!
on 4/11/08 8:45 am, edited 4/11/08 8:45 am - Nashville, TN
Now there's a bonus!!!  My benefit package was nothing but pages with drawings on them!  In fact it looked something like this: I think I'm getting cheated!
Truly Trina
on 4/11/08 10:01 am - Nashville, TN
OMG...  Scott Meister....   Did anyone happen to ever tell ya that your drawings look just like Sponge Bob Square Pants...???   LOL

  Okay so here it is.... Sponge Bob lives in a Pineapple with his pet snail Gary... LOL..  (I wouldn't know anything about Pineapples cause ms. Melinda keeps forgettin to bring the ones to me that she got for me that are in Splenda) I was lookin for rings and she likes the crushed....but I digress..... 

  I dunno there is something about them livin in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean named Bikini Bottom or sumthin like that....  anywho....  

  He has a best bud that works at Krusty Krab....This fella is Squidward...  Okay, So Imma thinking if I had a friend that was a fry cook at Krusty Krab weda be best buds too....  Just ask Ms. Ashe and Sister Barb...and Brian cause they are just like me and they like to hang at Joe's Crab shack and I'm thinkin you could run in to Squidward there too......LOL 

  Now Squidward is a pretty cranky fella....  Can we all relate to this or what?  LOL...I am a thinkin that everybody I know at the moment is pretty cranky....  So if ya see me call folks Squidward....You know why....LOL...

  Our friend sponge has two best buds on the planet...  One goes by the name Patrick....he is a starfish and the other best bud is a squirrel... This squirrel is called Sandy Cheeks....LOL  go figure....I can't help help but ponder the question...Have I ever seen a deep-sea diving squirrel....  But then I have to remind my self...  have I ever been deep sea divin???  So Ima thinkin if you never been deep sea divin then how far fetched is the notion for there to be a deep sea divin squirrel???

  I absolutely love sponge bob...  Maybe it is because my baby has always loved sponge bob....  I wonder if I am experiencing a small dose of empty nest syndrome....... BWAAAAAAAAAAAA....  Somebody has got to help me out there with this empty nest syndrome....  It is making me very thirsty

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Jane O.
on 4/11/08 3:01 pm
HERE I AM, TRINA!!  I am finally finished with work and what a week this has been, getting ready for my marvelous time off.  I have been perfect on my pre-op diet so far, but I'm really getting a little weak now.  Just tired and ready to rest up for Monday.  I cannot tell you how much it means to me to be remembered!  You folks are just so wonderful and I appreciate you all so much.  Yes, My Aunt Rene, brother Don and his wife Bettye, nephew Dustin, Thenita and Gwen (who were at the lunch bunch with me), and Cathy have said they'll all be there Monday.  I have to be there at 6:30 am, but I'm Dr. Spaw's second patient that day, so you all know better than I what time it might start for me.  I do know that I am completely ready.  So far, I don't feel any anxiety or fear or have any doubts.  I feel that I've made the perfect decision to have this done, and I'm extremely thankful that I'm fortunate to have the means to do it.  I'm going to spend my weekend resting and packing my bag and getting the "last minute" things that always come up.  I just read that Gas-X is good to have, so I'll pick that up.  And Benefiber, JIC (just in case).  Anything else I'm forgetting? Any more helpful hints for me?  I have the sample pack from bariatriceating.com and Gwen has been busy preparing food for my first two months--she's pureed fresh Alaskan salmon, chicken, tilapia, black beans, pinto beans, green beans, lentils, broccoli, kale, spinach, and probably more that I can't remember right now, and sealed them up in 1/4 oz. packages--and they're in my freezer.  she studied my "Owner's manual"  and got to work.  I am one BLESSED woman and I sure do know it and appreciate it.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  jane o 
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