Sappy Sappy
I can leave the past behind like any normal man can do
But what I find most of the time
is that I have been left behind you.
I can feel time pushing me forward
so what does it matter what direction I'm pointed in?
No one else used to sing my sad chorus
Now I feel that they too have joined in.
I know I think about silly things and wonder about the nonsensical from time to time. I see meaning and confusion in the wide open spaces. I have no plans to change; I enjoy being inside my head rolling around and being covered by the dust in the corners. I don’t want the cure.
For some time, I have been talking and trying to support a person in their much needed weight loss goal. I met him at lymphedema therapy; this past week he called me to say he was done, that he just wanted to stop, he had enough. This depressed me mostly because I had failed (always thinking of myself). I believed that I could make this happen. I was somehow going to save him. I’m angry at me…because I repeat the same pattern…I push in hopes that my enthusiasm and excitement will encourage. It doesn’t always happen and often I’m left standing on an empty field. I understand about having to be ready, to giving yourself over and allowing change becoming the norm. I saw myself in him….a trapped, 500+ person dismissed and lost in what is going on around him. I didn’t nor could I accept all the help that was offered to me when it was there. I need to believe that someday, like me, it will all become too much and his prayers will be answered. I guess what I want to say is never give up on helping someone. You may find that you’re the one that stumbles along at the right time.
Spring has sprung….get out…put your hands in the dirt….look at what’s going on around you. Take time to notice before its gone how nice the Red Bud is (the purple trees lining the road) and the Dogwood splashing its white flowers through the woods.
I’m coming face to face with my conscience
Coming to an understanding of myself
Clear out all the old cobwebs
Clear the books from the shelf
This song is inspired by a good man
And his tune
Sing Amazing Grace to you
It doesn’t really matter if you’re all
Jumbled up inside
As long as you know
love is endless and the world is wide