I finally heard from Dr. Melvin's nurse. Everything is in order to get on with the big date! I'm supposed to hear in a couple of days (hopefully) to get the appointment for the pre-op visit. That's all I have left before they give me the actual date. Hope this doesn't take too long. Wish me luck for a little more patience! I'm getting really excited but yet very nervous. How long did it take for most of you guys to recoup from the lap band surgery? Also, what what the worst part of the recovery? Thanks for the support!
Congratulations,,,,,,your date will be soon.
As for the recoup time, everyone will be different, but if when you come home and move like they ask ( just moving around in the house) you will do fine. My surgery was 3/6/08 and I moved in the house, upstairs, downstairs, it was pretty the next day so I walked (slowly) up and down my driveway. Took naps when I needed but just moved about. I was ready to be back on my treadmill by Sunday that weekend for a slow controlled walk (about 3/4 of a mile).
You will do great, ask all the questions you need.
The worst part is the soreness around the incisions, but moving helped.
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Congratulations! You are about to begin the ride of your life! Hop on and hold on's wild!
I didn't have a "worst part" of recovery. I felt great...dare I say perky!? I had my surgery on Monday and drove myself to church on Sunday (30 miles away) with no problem. Everyone is different but I didn't have problems.
Impatient? Oh I think I earned the Title Mr. Impatient!
Not a great quality most of the time and really I've missed out on a lot because of impatiences.
But sometimes determination, persistence can be confused with impatience.
Who ever coined the phrase WL journey couldn't have stated it better.
Much like a journey or trip you start out with great expectations, you have a mental picture on how your journey is suppose to go.
You've thought about your trip, your excited about your trip, you planned every detail and now your ready to go!
Put it in gear only to find your self sitting in a traffic jam at the bottom of the driveway!
You gain a little ground, you see others passing you by and you get frustrated.
You think maybe I should quit and go home!
Some do but others think of the goal and keep on going a little at a time. Until they hit a patch of open road and they think smooth sailing now! I've got through all the slow downs now its clear sailing. Only to top the hill and be slowed down again!
Damn am I ever going to get there??
Then just as unexpected as the traffic jam so is arriving to the place you think is the destination.
I know I'm only at the first stop of a life long journey (which feels good) and can't speak of what I don't know and haven't experienced yet.
But I do know there will be bumps, pot holes, slow downs and every once in a while breakdowns.
Hopefully with good maintenance a pit crew of supporters and even that stranger that gives you directions to get you back on the right road. I'll stay out of the garage for major repairs.
I would encourage everyone, sit back look out the window and enjoy the journey, because the destination will get here soon enough.
I too hope to enjoy the journey and make the most out of it, because impatience won't get me there any quicker, it will just make me miss out on whats around me.
So that being said THANKS to you all that continue to be my pit crew and to my lovely wife who with out hesitation excitedly shares the journey with me.
I guess for now I'm headed out to walk (IDGOMB) and enjoy todays journey and appreciate how blessed I am.
C' ya Bob
I too was like Freddie. I didn't have any problems. I had surgery on a Tuesday, went home on a Thursday and for the next 6 days, I was out everyday shopping, picked my mom up for church on Sunday and even drove her to a doctor's appointment not even a week after surgery. And as Ms. Freddie said, we are all different and all have a story to tell. By the way, I had gastric bypass surgery, so I can't really speak for recovery issues related to lap band surgery. But, hang in there. Even the little bumps and hiccups you might experience are well worth the prize at the end of the road.