How Do You Make Protein Jello?
As always I want to first start with my disclaimer. Always check with your surgeons office whi*****ludes your surgeon your physicians assistant and your nutriotionist before making any dietary changes...
Here’s my contribution to the water cooler discussion about protein consuption. Your body only being able to absorb 30 grams of protein at one time is incorrect. It is very hard on our kidneys to break down high doses of protein at one time. My WLS center does not want me to consume any more than around 25 grams of protein at any given time. This is possibly why you read on the board here lots of times about kidney stones. Not always the case but this data runs the numbers of probability pretty high.
I had a lady one time contact me through the OH board saying that she had heard that our bodies only absorb 30 grams of protein at a time and that she was going to go ahead and chug the entire 42 grams in the whey bullet just in case that her body would absorb a little more and that since it was just an absorption issue she felt that if her body happened to absorb maybe 33 grams and passed the rest as waste then she felt she was ahead of the game…. YIKES!!!! Just remember it is very difficult on your kidneys to break down high volumes of protein…
With topics as serious as malnutrition and kidney disease I would be more inclined to share a link that was published from say the AMA or my Surgeon's Hospital or something like that... Not someone's online diary and especially one with overtone's of this person having an axe to grind somewhere with someone...
But that is just me.... I am in no way a medical doctor or a chemist or a certified health care provider.... I am not even a parking lot attendant in the hospital garage...