Throat issues
yes i did really bad in the first year. sometimes I would get scared because I could not swallow at all. It was like the muscles would freeze or something. Dr. Melvin did not think it was a problem. It still happens sometime now and I still get a panicked feeling until it goes away. It only happens with an empty mouth just swallowing normal or when I am swallowing liquids. Never with solid foods.
Ask Dr. Melvin about it.
Marie Rucker
preop 302/current 184/goal 170
preop 302/current 184/goal 170
I will. I have not had surgery yet and sometimes it seems like my muscles are doing the same thing you mentioned. Ihave not met with Dr. Melvin yet either because I am still in my 6mo evaluation phase but I will mention it to him because it seems like something that would freak me out as well. I am getting a little nervous.
This is something you need to get checked out.
If you have reflux this can damage the esophagus, they can dilate the esophagus which is a pretty simple process (I had it done, no big deal). This was prior to considering WLS.
Once I tried to get WLS it became a issue. So they ran me through several test pre surgery.
Dr. Richards needed to be sure what he was going to get into before he performed my WLS surgery.
There are some conditions that will cause you not to be able to have WLS. Not trying to scare you but better get it taken care of sooner then later.
Hope this helps. Bob