125lbs gone forever
I went today for my check up since I was in the hospital. I knew what the scales said there, but I just figured they were way off, well come to find out they were right on target. When I weighed in today I had lost 35lbs in just a little over 4 weeks. I couldn't believe it. They did not give me a adjusment, they seem to think that I am really close to my sweet spot as the bander's say. So that gives me a total loss of 125lbs since I have been seeing Dr. Morton. Because I will no longer have Insurance as of 05/01 they have me coming back on 04/29 to see if I need adjustment then. They said that they will work with me if I need to come back after then, so I was gald to hear that. So I think things are starting to look up for me. Phil is still about the same, but slowly healing pretty good. We are still going to the doctor every other day and the nurse is still coming out daily. Just wanted to share my news with everyone. Hope to see everybody on Sat.