Well, I went to Dale’s school yesterday and spoke to the Vice Principal in regards to the situation. I remained calm, cool, and collective while explaining the seriousness of this situation. I had Dale write down the names of the main instigators in this matter along with what they are saying and doing. One of the kids is saying out loud so that everyone will laugh and join in is: “Dale is going to RAPE everyone and EAT them”, another i****ting him on the back in an intimidating way then when Dale looks at him, he says, “What are you going to do, you are just a Fat Wimp, Fatty”, another child went to write Fatty on his shirt with her pink lipstick/lip-gloss, (ruined his shirt), while calling him a “GIRL”, because of his chest. Dale moved and she only got a line on his shirt, Thank God, so he would not have had to walk around school with that on his back.
Now back to the meeting with the Vice Principal, she said that she did not want to call the children into the office, because they would feel that they are in trouble and this may create a bigger problem for Dale, in regards to retaliation. Therefore, she said she would like to ask the guidance counselor to get involved, speak to the children and see if she can get them to stop, by speaking with them individually and as a group. She did state that it would be expressed upon them that if they did not stop, they would face consequences. Although, one of the children is slightly autistic and would require his situation to be handled differently, she asked if I understood that, I said that I did, but regardless of how it is handled, it needs to stop and NOW!!! She understood. I explained that I have tried to get Dale to handle this situation, but I feel that now was the time to get involved, because my son got 3 A’s and 3 B’s on his report card, well I know that sounds great, but you do not understand, this is a child that gets nothing but straight A’s and he is taking a few advanced classes and those are the one’s he got the A’s in, the others are the ones that these children are involved with and one of them is in Band. When I asked about Band, Dale told me he can’t focus on his playing because it is the last class of the day, following these other classes and he is so upset, from everything else, he has trouble playing ( I felt soooo BAD). Not to mention the damage this is doing to his self-esteem. I also explained that as she knows everyone has their breaking point and I am afraid that Dale is getting close to his. I explained that he has not expressed harming anyone, but all it would take would be Dale pushing someone when he broke and they trip, fall into the concrete brick wall, in which they could be hurt or killed. This would harm Dale for the rest of his life if he hurt or killed someone, he would never be the same, not to mention the legal trouble. Nor did I want to come home one day to find that my son had been so depressed due to this situation, that he took his life. I was there to prevent these things from happening and I can't do it without them getting actively invoved in the situation. As we all know, bullying has caused serious retaliation at other schools across the country, not that I think Dale would do anything like this, but I wanted to ensure that it did not get to that point. I sure hope she understood my point!!
Dale said they did all meet and they apologized to Dale for their actions and they were nice the rest of the day, we will have to wait and see if it remains this way, if not, I will be back. However, the secretary at Dale’s school told me if it did not get resolve, she wanted me to let her know, because she would get Officer Miller involved, he is the school’s resource a Metro Police Officer, that is assigned to his school and he is there all day. She herself was furious, because she said Dale is one of the best kids that they have there. SO NOW IT IS WAIT AND SEE!!!
Thanks for the advice and prayers, but continue to keep us in you prayers, because even if it does stop, Dale has a long road to recover from the damage to his self-esteem.