We are here!
Wlcome to TN....... We are having a WLS dinner on April 10th, Thur at Applebees on alcoa hyw. This is our first get together, and hope to have many many more.You are more then welcome to join us and bring someone if you wish. You can look at the topic east side lunch or dinner a page or 2 back. again welcome. I live in knoxville
Hugs Annrenee
OMG!!!! WELCOME BIG TIME! I've been in a haze since last Tuesday...I finally got my TT and refill to a 34C. I was never big in that area and don't want to be the topic of every conversation just want to feel sexy and have my husband have a lustful gleam in his eye...well now that I've said way to much about that..........
I live in East Brainerd. My husband was born here. We'll have to meet soon. I am walking like a shrunken lady at the moment bacause I can't stand up straight and I am SWOLLEN and getting "witchy" but hey I'm sure you can overlook that.
Do you have kids? Hangouts? Will you walk with me I know tons of great places? Do you work outside the home? I need info......must have info.
Beth B in Chattanooga