Phil's home
I finally got him home yesterday. We are trying to get back in the swing of things. He is doing pretty good, we have a nurse coming out everyday to change the wound. We are having to go to the IV doctor every other day, not to count all of the other doctors appts we have. This will probably be going on for about 6 weeks. I am doing so so, right now I can only keep liquids down, can't remember the last time I actually chewed something. I am wore out to say the least, my nerves are shot. But at least he is home, now if I can get him to do what he is suppose to. He can't put weight on this foot for about 6 weeks and with him being a below the knee amputee on the other, he is having a rough time of it. It is really hard on me getting him out and into the van. We do have a ramp but it is still rough. But I will do what I have to do to get him better. Cheryl is still on the back burner for now. Hopefully that will change real soon. I just want to thank EVERYONE for all the post, pm, phone calls, etc. They have meant so much to us. I don't know what I would have done with out ya'll. I wanted to say an extra special thanks to Barb for posting updates for me. We did get some other bad news during all of this. We found out that our future DIL is a carrier of Cystic Firbros (sp). Ya'll know that she is expecting in September. They are going to test my son to see if he is a carrier, if so then it is possible that there could be serious complications as far as the health of the baby. If he is not then they are pretty sure the baby will be fine. So please continue to pray for our family during all of this. Thanks, Cheryl
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Big warm hug, Cheryl!!!
I'll give a hearty "Amen!" in response to Wendy! It is time for sweet Cheryl to get a little rest if possible! Kind of like when our babies were born...sleep when they sleep..even if it is in the middle of the day. Make sure to get some food in you, precious! You mustn't get dehydrated or starve just isn't a good thing.
We all love you and are praying for your family!