please tell me this isn't true!
I had dr melvin also for RNY. I have not had a soda since Feb. 2006. That is when the nutritionist told me that it will cause your pouch to expand and get bigger. That means you will be able to eat more and gain weight. I am fine with it because I do not want to gain weight or stretch my pouch. Sometimes I see an ice cold pepsi and I really want it, but I get over it. Once I got a diet Limeade at Sonic and had no idea it is made with diet Sprite. I took one sip and the bubbles came back up in my throat and then I realized it was carbonated. I gave it back and told them they should let people know. It was a weird and scary feeling.
Marie Rucker
preop 302/current 184/goal 170
preop 302/current 184/goal 170
That is correct. I am a patient of Dr. Williams at Vandy. The nutritionist says NO CARBONATED DRINKS. Period. Some will tell you it is OK after a while, but at Vandy they say absolutely not.
I have not had a carbonated drink since I started this quest back in Oct. 2007. Nothing but Crystal Light, SF Kool Aid, and plain old water. It hasn't killed me yet! In fact, it has been better for me.
I was told no carbonated beverages the first 6 months. I have gone 3 months so far, and have decided to make this a choice. My choice to to continue to for go them! When I started this process a year ago, my family was drinking 4 cases a week. We gave them up and went to water. I am going to try to continue with water. But that's just my choice!
Good Luck!
Nope. No soda for an RNY patient. Of course, that might be different for lapband. But most will tell you no soda ever after surgery. I saw Scott post his surgeon told him just for 6 months. I have always heard and been told never ever. Although, I have heard that after a while (maybe it is the 6 months Scott mentioned) that you can let the soda sit out and go flat and have a few sips. But why drink a flat soda? Plus, if you can go 6 months without one, then you can go forever! It is a hard habit to break - like drinking out of a straw. But it is worth it. I actually did not give up soda until the day of my surgery. It was easy to give it up when you are focusing on recovering and diet soda is the last thing on your mind. The carbonation will expand your pouch. Plus, if you have diabetes (which I did) even Diet Soda can effect your blood sugars. I never understood that but it did. Anything that can effect your blood sugars after RNY sugery is bad because you are more succeptible to low blood sugar episodes.
I know that even now at 21 months post-op I have tried a sip or two of my husbands diet soda and it caused me to burp and not feel so well from just a sip or two.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
I love sugar free redbull. When you blend it with a smoothie, its ok as it does take out carbonation. also, if you pop the top and leave it set overnight, although IHave heard for 1 hr, then I like to just drink it that way. I would not try regular cokes like that though. it would be gross. But on redbull or another drink I like, they actually still taste good.