Please don't call me FAT!

on 3/24/08 8:46 am
Hi Misty! I'm so sorry that you are unhappy.  I have to agree with are a beautiful glowing mommy to be and you mustn't let those rude people make you sad.  Would you be comfortable telling your boss that you would prefer to be called by your name rather than a nickname?  I adore you and am so sorry that you are having a rough day. Kisses to your sweet little face! Freddie
  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
on 3/24/08 12:31 pm - Springfield, TN

Wow, I never knew people to be cruel to a pregnant woman...but being called fatty and chubby sure takes the cake!! It is really hard to wrap your head around the weight gain after consistently losing. It was the worst part of being pregnant for me lol I'd take the back pain, braxton hicks, peeing every 15 minutes, and not sleeping over gaining weight...but you really can't control the weight gain, it is inevitable. I'm feeling really down myself...a month after delivery, I am ashamed to admit, but I barely am getting into a pair of size 20 jeans :-( But I weigh less than what I did when I wore a size 20 prior to pregnancy...doesn't make sense to me. I'm able to wear most my prepregnancy tops though. Anyways...ignore everyone's comments, you're growing a beautiful healthy baby girl :-) Don't let your co-workers and family's comment ruin one of the most joyous life experiences.



Elena Dench
on 3/24/08 3:07 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hey April,   Just wanted to mention, cute avatar and little Nicholas is adorable!  Hope all is well and try not to worry so much about what size you are wearing. It will take awhile to get back to where you started pre-baby bump.  Take care and hope to see you and cutie at the next lunch bunch!!!  ~~Elena

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Elena Dench
on 3/24/08 3:04 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hey Misty,   This must be a highly hormonal day.  I've seemed to have sprung a hormonal leak and can't get it plugged again.  I've been weepy all day and feeling exhausted is making it worse.     I've had the opposite problem about my weight and things people say.  Because I'm so soon post op, I haven't gained a lot of weight (which I've told you about).  Doc says my body has continued to shrink even as the pregnancy progresses and baby gets bigger.  So many people have made comments about how I don't look pregnant, or I don't have a "normal" pregnant look.  I'm like, so what you're saying is I just look fat!?!?!  It's been frustrating for different reasons.  I want to look obviously pregnant, not just plump, chubby, whatever.  I even told one of the girls I work with that I can now sympathize with her.  She's tiny, tiny; struggles to maintain 100 pounds and is always getting comments about how skinny she is or she looks anorexic, etc.  I now understand the flip side of people saying you don't weigh enough or aren't gaining enough, etc.  Ironic, huh?   Try not to let them get to you; I know, easier said than done.  And you most certainly have every right to confront the brain-dead individuals who make such lame-a$$ remarks.  I got snippy one day with someone when they said I didn't look as pregnant as I was: "Well excuse me for not gaining 50 pounds to satisfy your preconceived notion of what a pregnant woman should look like".  (was another highly hormonal day)!  haha  I think you are looking great, and was actually jealous of your cute belly!    You're looking great and doing what's best for you and your baby.  But know that you are certainly entitiled to an extra hormone filled day; especially with such insensitive dorks.  Take care and hope tomorrow is better!!!  (for both of us)!  ~~Elena

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

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