So frustrated!
I have been a lurker on here for several months, and today I found out BCBS Tn denied me, due to things they said they needed and did not recieve. But they were all things the staff at Vandy has! I feel so upset! What are the chances of being approved after you have been denied? Oh I just feel like giving up! But I can't this is something I know I am meant to do! Please help!
Ok, you have the right to be frustrated and feel like giving up - but don't - that is not the right way to handle this. I was not a WLS of Vandy, but here is my advice for you. Monday morning call and schedule and appointment with whomever is over the program - and ask for it sooner rather than later. Make sure you have a list of all the things BCBS said they did not have from Vandy and take it with you. Then, be sure to discuss all of this with Vandy in person and don't leave there until you are satisfied they are going to get all of the stuff to BCBS. Once that has been done - give it a few days and start following up with BCBS. Everytime they tell you they don't have something call Vandy back. If you have to call Vandy more than 2 times for them to send something, go back up there and wait until you are seen and your issues are dealt with. Once they know you are serious about this, they will get on the ball. From what I've read on this site, I do know there have been a lot of personnel changes at Vandy, so it will be to your benefit to stay on top of them until you receive their approval. Oh, and be sure you have complied with everything that is required by your insurance company and haven't missed anything as far as nutrition appointments, psych eval, etc. Hang in there and keep us posted. It will be wonderful to see your post saying you've been approved and have a date.
Thank you so much! I have done everything, nutri. app., psych eval, 10% weight loss, and they made me feel so sure I would have no problem, so I just feel so let down that one of the things bcbs said they did not recieve was my letter from my pcp, that was the first thing they recieved from me! I am calling vandy first thing monday morning for sure!
Don't Give Up!
I know first hand how devastated you feel, but trust me its probable no more then a paperwork glitch. I was DISALLOWED! about three weeks ago. It sucks finding out on a Friday so you can't get to the bottom of it. But as one wise lady (Trina) encouraged me "Take The Bull By The Horns" and this is how.
*1st You phone BC/BS of TN be polite and they will jump through hoops for you. Call every day if you want I did. They keep a record of your calls and it seems they even feel your pain and will work harder.
*2nd Set up with them the ability of going on BC/BS Web and Monitoring your case that way (I literally saw mine change from DISALLOWED to APPROVED before my eyes) This info both their phone # and their e-mail is on the front of your insurance card.
*3rd. Find out from them what they want and get a fax # from them and send it into them directly, you can also forward this to Cynthia at Vandy, But trust me you fax yourself.
Once BC/BS receives it it takes about 1-2 work days to get it into their system, so give them that before calling then it takes about 5 work days to get your next response from them.
Look even if and I hope you don't get another DISALLOWED! (I HATE THAT WORD) keep plugging. Look mine was Disallowed over a single typo? So they are picky.
I Hope this helps if you need anymore help you can contact me direct or thru this forum. We are all there for you! C' ya Bob
Gotta agree with Bob,Trina & Wendy - Take the bull by the horns yourself. Call BC BS and find out exactly what they need. Then get it and fax it to Eric at Vandy and tell him to get it to them ASAP.
Call back to BC BS the next day and see if they received it or not. If not, call Eric at Vandy again. Stay on top of things so you know exactly what is going on with the process of YOUR case.