update on back pain #2
Hi all. I went wed. morning and had a CT scan on my side and back where I've been hurting for the last 7 weeks. Called Dr. McDowell today and was told that the radiologist couldn't see anything wrong at all. Dr was out this week so nurse said he would look at results on monday and call me. I'm at my wits end. I've been to PCP, he said muscle spasms and gave me muscle relaxers. Went to chiropractor for about 3 weeks--no help. Went back to PCP--he gave me pain pills and did an ultrasound to check my gallbladder-- no problem there. Now the CT scan shows nothing! I'm soooo frustrated. I can't describe how bad the pain is. I literally sit at work in tears because it hurts so bad. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't get some kind of relief soon. Thanks for listening (reading)to me vent.
Ok Bob, give me some cheese to go with my "whine". LOL!!