Bob L.
on 3/20/08 6:31 am - Clarksville, TN

This was posted a few days ago on the Men's Board. I believe its worth posting here. I hope you find it as compelling as I did. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!!! By: Leilani (Original Draft: June 2004-Revised 2008) Thats the sentiment (scenario) that comes to mind when I here some of the comments from those who've already had the surgery. In case you haven't made the connection, that's the line Tom Hanks made famous in the movie "A League Of Their Own." Resorting to tears or just giving up every time the going gets tough isn't going to help anyone. Or maybe your just sick of taking vitamins, or getting in protein is hard and water doesn't taste good, etc. That kinda' thinking is NOT going to make you successful or keep you healthy. ENOUGH already! Its time to LOVE yourself enough to get "TOUGH" with your aftercare. Your long term health truly is worth it!!

Success comes with backbone, NOT a wishbone!

First and foremost, you have to keep it POSITIVE. As with everything in life, if you think you can't - you simply WON'T! Simple Enough?

I have to wonder when "we" (as adults) finally take ownership for our actions, our life and our health? We have been given a gift, a second chance to actually LIVE life again instead of merely existing on the sidelines. It's up to each of us to do that as healthy and productively as possible.

We're All statistics waiting to happen and the insurance companies are chomping at the bit. The bean counters are eager to drop Weight Loss Surgery ("WLS") from the policies; some already have. Don't you know that any negative feedback thrown into the mix only strengthens their cause? I may not be able to control every thing that happens to my body after WLS, but most things I can. I CHOOSE to take control and I will be a positive statistic when the numbers are counted. We live in a spoiled society, expecting everything in life to come with a buncha real cool choices. Well. guess what? When it comes to your health, you're not always going to get a choice. You either DO IT and stay healthy, or you DON"T and your body pays the price.

The way I saw it, I had a 90 day healing and adjustment period after surgery. My 'super morbidly obese' body had more then enough stores to survive the learning curve. In turn, it gave me plenty of time to heal, adjust and learn. For those of you over 90 day's Post-Op, the probation period is over - its time to get serious and LIVE what you've learned.

*You say you can't get enough liquids through the day, don't like the taste of water, or just keep forgetting? - TOUGH! Its not an option anymore. Find a way to do it, get suggestions and tips from others in support groups, message boards, etc. Read, learn and JUST DO IT!! Why do you think there is a choice here?

*You say you don't like those big horse pill type vitamins, or the tart chalky chewables?... or it's, just too many to bother with? Maybe you just can't remember to take them? -- Tough! You gave up your option NOT to take vitamins when you agreed to have your insides rerouted. FIND a way; crushed, minced, chopped, liquefied, in a shake, etc. No exceptions, your health depends on it. *Protein a must. So you can't get all in via foods and you don't like the way the shakes taste? -- TOUGH! Either get through your meals (and there are a many food choices out there) or supplement with protein shakes and bars.

Trust me, I don't drink my protein shake every morning because I think it tastes like a chocolate blizzard from Dairy Queen. It seems the only people that believe that are selling it. I've tried many varieties over the last 5 years. I'd even venture to say 25 of the top sellers/flavors have crossed my lips. For the record? I've yet to find one that is as "delicious" as boasted by the distributor. So what. My first two years post-op, it was a daily routine, 2 to 3 a day. My HEALTH dictated that I needed "X" grams of protein per day and I did and i did NOT have the pouch capacity. Even now, as a 5 year Post Op, if I'm not getting enough from my meals I supplement with a shake. Nuff said.

This surgery is a gift, I owe it to me and everyone else fighting the approval process, to do it right! I will continue to choke down my vitamins, my water and my protein every single day, for the REST OF MY LIFE. Some days will be easier then others, regardless, no days will be missed.

It's all about discipline. Create a routine, set a timer, develop a pattern, tie a string around your finger, glue a note to your forehead, whatever it takes.

You're an adult - take responsibility!

If this surgery doesn't slap a backbone in you, not much will!

Tara S.
on 3/20/08 6:46 am - Smyrna, TN
GREAT POST!!!  ~ Tara (thanks! i needed that!)

SW: 246   CW: 133        Christmas goal: 130


on 3/20/08 7:24 am - Meridianville, AL

It's a good one to re-post on any of the boards Bob!! 

BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 3/20/08 7:25 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Great job BOB !!!!! When you go through what we've all had to go through the horror stories...Its a second chance at life, not just for us but for our families. No one gives us the right to take that away from them. I first do it for me, then for them.....But because I love them so....There is so much life ahead for each and everyone of us...You are right...Thank you.....Kudos.... MySpace Comments - Water Reflections MySpace Layouts - Water Reflections Free Comments & Graphics Barb
Jane O.
on 3/20/08 8:04 am
Ain't that the truth!   I'm going to print this and post it on my wall to read every day.  It is, indeed, a gift to be given another chance at a healthy life.  I, for one, am so very grateful!  Thanks for sharing this with us, Bob. Jane O
Bob L.
on 3/20/08 8:28 am, edited 3/20/08 8:59 am - Clarksville, TN
Let me start by saying I deserve no credit. Other then having the good sense to recognize a powerful letter and sharing it as it was shared to me. But as with you Jane I printed this and keep it close, so when I do and I will start to whine I can remember what a gift this is. Sense I first read this it weighed heavy on my mind and I thought of those who are fighting so hard to get approved.  Not to embarrass anyone and hope I don't but I felt bad for BamaBob trying so hard as I did and not seeing any results.  And most of all Melisa who has tried so hard for so long and still getting the wind knocked out of her yet she keeps picking herself up and says if I can't have surgery well the HELL with them I'll diet and work my butt off and move on! She has inspirational tenacity (the Pit Bull of the board).  So how can you not think you've received a gift, yes we pay our insurance premium, but so do others we are just the lucky ones who get to yell BINGO!  So as corny as it may sound as Barb said, me first, family second, but rest assure those of you fighting the fight I won't let you down. I will succeed so no insurance company will use me to deny you. Thanks friends for the ear, and more importantly the shoulder you all (we) provide.

on 3/20/08 12:42 pm - Antioch, TN
Bob, Although you decline taking any credit for writing this, please take credit for re-posting it.  This is the proverbial "kick in the butt" I needed.  There are several issues I struggle with daily and I'm only about 9-1/2 weeks out.  This is not the time to struggle - that time has come and gone.  Now is the time to shine and move forward in the new light that has been cast for each of us to step into and I for one want to be there.  So, again, I applaud you for finding this and re-posting it.  Many, many kudos to you my friend.

lghthsewtchr AKA Wendy Siebert

on 3/20/08 2:16 pm - Madison, TN
AMEN.  Nuff said.


on 3/21/08 6:18 am - Nashville, TN
Bob L.
on 3/21/08 6:48 am - Clarksville, TN
Its OK Big Boys Do Cry...  But just keep Walking the Walk While Your Crying! Heck as Good as you look or as Deb, said "Did You See Scott"! It better be Tears of Joy!!!!

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