ok where are the pics?

Brenda H.
on 3/20/08 1:53 am - APO-AE , Germany
Hey all, I know there were pics taken last weekend. where are they??? I am so anxious to see them. Like the forgetful person i am I ran out the door and forgot my camera.  I know,  I know,  I am very impatient!!   LOL  Just was wondering if anyone had posted the pics. I hope you all have had a good week and have a wonderful weekend!!!! Brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


on 3/20/08 1:56 am - Springfield, TN
My thoughts exactly... I think Scott took some and he is very busy I know so maybe he will post them when he has time. I also want to say Thank you Brenda for the clothes and the protein !!!

Brenda H.
on 3/20/08 2:22 am - APO-AE , Germany
You are so very welcome Juanita. Thank you for helping me to get them out of my closets and cabinets.  Like i said before, as i get out of them i will pass them down to you. I am a bad shopaholic especially when hubby is deployed so alot of times you will get clothing from me that has either only been worn 1 or 2 times or they will have the tags still on them. A bad habit i know but hey... I am not eating!!! woo hooo!!!!   It was good to see you again and your little girl is absolutly adorable!!!!

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


Elizabeth O.
on 3/20/08 10:52 am - nashville, TN
Hi Brenda!    Scott did not take any pics last weekend, his camera was malfunctioning.  However, Melissa did, so maybe we can get some from her.  I heard through the OH grapevine that Susan's computer was down for the count, so she won't be posting anything for a few days.  Maybe when she is back up and running she will post a pic or two. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!  


on 3/21/08 6:26 am - Nashville, TN
Brenda, here is the only pic I was able to use!  Hopefully next time, I will be able to get some more.  It was so awesome to finally meet you.  And I owe you a BIG THANK YOU for the protein powder.  I have a glass every morning at 3:15, right before Home Depot! Thanks!
Brenda H.
on 3/28/08 10:54 am - APO-AE , Germany
Scott, Thank you so much for posting the pic. sorry it took me so long to get back and thank you. It was very nice meeting you and Beth also and you are more than welcome for the protein.  You did me a big favor getting it out of my cabinet. I look forward to the next lunch!!! brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


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