Phil's update
Just got off the phone with Cheryl, she is so tired, you could til by her voice. Phil went into surgery, they cleaned out the wounds and are inserting a picline, so that when he goes home they will be able to send antibiotics with him. They are still trying to get the fever down, and said he should be coming home by the weekend. And level out his blood sugars. It seems to be go'n up and down to fast. I'll keep you posted as soon as I know anything. Hugs Barb
Thanks so much for keeping us informed. Please tell Cheryl that my offer to help her still stands. Hopefully she kept my cell number, but any of you can ask for it on here. I am keeping them in my thoughts.
I am also wanting to hear about your experiences so far--it appears that you are doing well. My date is set for 4/14, so I'm not too far behind you. Maybe we can talk one day soon.
Jane O