2 years post-op, and I need some help/advise, please
Hi everyone, My name is Beth, I'm in Nashville, TN, and I had my surgery Dec. 30, 2001. The surgery has litterally been a breeze, until the last 6 months. I was able to loose 73lbs by June 2007. As of this morning, I'd put 30+ of that 73; I had originally lost. I'm getting so very frustrated. Dr. Melvin like to say I'm one of his smalles patients. I'm trying to see if any of you have had these same symptoms, and what did you do about them. My problems are: 1. I'm never full/hungry 2. I am training for a 1/2 marathon, April 25 3. Acid reflux that I'm not able to feel I've had an endoscope, sonogram with a doppler scan, and a barium swallow. All 3 tests show perfectly normal. All of my blood work up is normal, which I'm thankful, but I want to know why I'm ganing. I'm keeping my food journals, watching what I eat, I've cut back on alchol, dramatically. My surgeon has absolutely no idea what's wrong. I'm thinking about leaving and going to Duke, or Mayo's for a second opinion. I'm desperate for help. I swore I'd never see my original number again, but I guess it doesn't always pay to be a looser. Thanks a million for all your hep/advise.
Boy thats a tough one.
I've been waiting for someone to post, but it sounds like you have the professionals challenged not to mention us regular folks.
So all I can offer is Support and Prayers and hope your directed to someone or place weather it be the Mayo or Duke both great Research Hospitals.
Please stay involved here and at least keep us up dated. I know others here feel as I do and this is when we feel so helpless and sometimes have a loss for words. Even for a Cowboy Fan we care! Take Care C' Ya Bob
Hello and welcome first of all. We have some wonderful folks here. We may not know the answers, but we can sure try to help. My first question is what surgery did you have? You had it in 2001 I see... I looked at your profile and must have either missed the surgery type or it wasn't there.
Second, how many calories/carbs/protein grams are you getting in a day? Do you drink 64 oz of liquid? Why don't you post a normal day of eating and we can take a look to see what might be a problem area. That is always our best place to start.
I hope nothing is wrong with you that is causing the weight gain. That would be really terrible to have lost all of that and then end up with a medical condition that made you gain... I pray its not that... but you say you are never full/hungry. Does that mean you never get full, or that you stay hungry, or you are neither? I didn't know what that meant.
How many meals do you eat a day? Do you snack or graze? Do you eat pasta, crackers, bread? Ok I think that about does it on the questions! I could probably think of some more, LOL... but you probably wouldn't want to answer them!