Liquid Diet

Chandra A.
on 3/18/08 2:14 pm - Nashville, TN
I was curious about those of you who had surgery at Centennial by Dr. Houston what your experience was with the liquid diet before surgery.  How long were you on it before surgery?  What does it normally consist of (other than the obvious LOL)  I'm asking because I was watching a woman on youtube that chronicled before and after surgery and she was talking about it.  I've heard it depends on the doctor how long you do it before surgery.  Also, I'm a smoker.  For the smokers, did you quit before surgery?  I've heard these 2 things help to shrink the liver to make surgery easier.  Just wanted your thoughts on it.


on 3/18/08 2:38 pm - clarksville, TN
Hi, Im not at Centennial, (going to Vandy), we are in the planning stages. My hubby quit smoking after 18 yrs! He quit 6 months ago -- they told us that smoking causes healing to delay.  Just thought I would share what we know. Good luck-
Chandra A.
on 3/18/08 2:45 pm - Nashville, TN
Thanks!  I've smoked for 12 yrs.  I can't even believe it's been that long.  I hate it but it's been so hard for me to quit.  How did he quit?  I've heard good things about Chantix.
on 3/18/08 3:03 pm - clarksville, TN

He is kind of an exceptional will power person. If he wants it he does it. He quit as they call it "cold turkey".  He just kept himself from buying any at the store. And the first week he bought chewing gum (not the nicotine kind ) just what ever bubble gum he wanted.  We went to a Naturopathic Dr. (everyone in town ostracizes him) but I wanted to try his office out. Its more psychological than anything. He said when the body wanted to use cigs for stress relief it was really asking for more oxygen. So (and this is where he got laughed at :)  he tells my husband to take an imaginary pack out of his pocket. Pretend like he was packin it and take one out then take a drag...of an imaginary cig.   I was there and saw my hubbys face NOt pretty Basically our regular dr told us he was correct the body needs more O2 at times of stress. But the imaginary cig thing was pushing it. She said just try to relax by taking in some deep breaths. A lot of times during stress we hold our breath! I started noticing ....and I do that! I quit about 3 years ago. But when anyone else is around that smokes...well I bum one :) For me it was more of a stress reliever and social thing. Sorry this was kind of long :) Ps...Im wondering about the liquid diet thing also...and YOU TUBE is Awesome!!


on 3/18/08 10:56 pm, edited 3/18/08 10:56 pm - Goodlettsville, TN
It does shrink the liver, when they go in, they have to go around it with the instruments, and if it lg. it will bruise causing alot of pain or don't want that, they do this for your benefit so the instruments can guide through the system without a hitch. For your safety...... Smoking causes a delay in healing. I quit cold turk... on Oct.13.2003 with no regrets.......When you are ready and really want to it won't bother you at all......The desire for something greater has to be then the cig.......... MySpace Comments - Easter MySpace Layouts - Easter Free Comments & Graphics Hugs and Luv Barb
Misty A.
on 3/18/08 11:41 pm - White House, TN
I actually went through Vandy and I do know it does depend on the surgeon and hospital program. Our pre-op liquid diet was for 9 days. You had to drink 6 of the canation instant breakfast drinks mixed with milk a day along with any other liquids you wanted that were not any thicker than tomato soup. Lots of chicken broth, SF popsicles, and drinks, drinks, drinks!  I think the smoking thing also depends on the surgeron. It will be a much healthier recovery if you could quit smoking. I know some surgeons will not perform the surgery on someone who smokes and they even will do a test the morning of surgery to see if the person has smoked in a certain length of time before they will go through with it. I hope you are able to stop smoking since you are on a journey to weight loss and better health.  Good luck!

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Truly Trina
on 3/20/08 12:24 am - Nashville, TN
Hi Sweetness!!! I did not have surgery at Centennial but I did have a liquid diet before surgery for 2 weeks.  Seems like I went straight from having to lose 10 % of my body weight for my Insurance Company straight in to the 2 week liquid diet.  I was thinking I might get a free pass from the 2 week liquid diet but no dice... LOL 

What you have heard is right, it does help to shrink the liver which in turn helps reduce certain risks. 

You know what, I have heard that same thing that Misty is talking about.  I read somewhere one time that they were doing testing in the blood work on the day of admittance for tobacco use.  That one there is a scary thought...  You have worked way too hard and too long to get to this point to be sent home on the morning of surgery over a cigarette....

I think this is where it gets tough for most of us.  Those of us that are emotional or stress eaters find ourselves with no outlet during the liquid diet phase and if you are a tobacco user odds are that you want to smoke during high stress levels or high emotional times and that is not an option either.  And getting ready for WLS was probably one of the most stressful emotional times of my entire life........

But I think it is true that whatever does not kill us will make us stronger....  Keep your eye on the prize (your after WLS body) that will certainly get you through this difficult time of both of those struggle areas..........(lots of hugs.....let me know if you need me hun)...

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



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