One thing I did but got in trouble for, early on, was add four small cubes of canteoupe to my cottage cheese. I loved cottage cheese prior to wls, but afterwards, I could not eat eggs, lunch meat, chicken, many things they told me to because i had a stricture. Dr. Houston said then eat cottage cheese if you like that... problem was, I hated it! I could only stomach it with a little bit of canteloupe. It didn't keep me from getting to my goal, but I did not eat very much of it. He kinda yelled at me for it only because he was afraid I would eat more of that and use it as a dinner meal instead of just using it to taste up the cottage cheese. I needed it just to get the food down.
Strawberries are very low. One thing I did was to use Hersheys chocolate SF syrup, some whip cream, and have 2 strawberries with a whiz of each on it. That will leave you plenty full... Now the key here is moderation. don't rely or do it often, but it is low in carbs and it will help get rid of that longing or craving, hopefully.
Hi hotmama......
That is a really good question.. I need to pull out my food journals from those early months and see when I ate fruit...
I craved fruit too and I still do. I am 17months out. I had done some research on this topic awhile back to try and find out the reason why and I did notice that there may be 2 possible good reasons....
1) I have understood that when the body craves a particular item, the body is lacking in the particular nutrients that the item is full of.. For example Vitamin C
2) The idea was also suggested that because I had not put any processed sugar in my body for quite some time that my body now craves and prefers natural, whole foods.
The berries and strawberries are excellent advice...
I made a decision very early on in my WLS journey that I would not in any form or fashion eat processed sugar. I do not have just one bite of cake or a small snickers bar on occasion as a treat or to reward myself. I do not have just a bite of my husband's dessert when we are out at dinner. I can't.. I am an addict... I know that one bite will be my demise and downfall.. I think as a result of this I am way more in tune with my body than I have ever been. I notice when I crave fruit. That is so eerie to me because before I always reached for a Butterfinger and a Dr. Pepper...(cause the Butterfinger made me thirsty...LOL) And the most wonderful thing about it all is that I do NOT feel deprived. I do not feel that I am missing ANYTHING and I do not feel like an outcast or alien at a Birthday Party when I say no thank you on the cake and ice cream.. I love fruit!!!!
I wanted to give a comment earlier but my work internet was slow. I might put in an addendum to my previous post... my surgeon did not want me eating any fruit except a little bit of frozen fruit until 6 mos out. The fruit acids can hurt our tummies I think. So plesae be cautious.
And, I have heard of some people who dumped just eating a few grapes. Just be cautious, listen to your body, and eat very slowly, with not much quantity. Good luck.
Thank You all for your input and incite I take each and everyones advise to heart here because you all have lived and learned and thanks to each and every person here I feel I have not dumped because I have learned from your progress and mistakes THANK YOU I actually bought some strawberries today and was going to have some tomorrow I think I will pass on them now. Also I too have decided not to put any refined sugar in my body ever again, I actually love my Iced Tea with splenda its my new Drink of choice. I think my only weakness is the carbs I cant seem to stay away from wheat Bread I have however not eaten any white bread so I guess thats a plus. I have lost 79 pounds in a short period of time I exercise and work out daily so I feel I am using this tool very well I think I am craving fruit because its almost summer and reminds me of summer. Again thank s to all of you for your advise.
Whenever I had that craving for fruit, I ate 2 strawberries with whip cream & sf hersheys chocolate. It was indeed a very tasty treat. If you were to eat one large strawberry, according to, it has 2 carbs and one sugar. It would not be enough to harm you. Not trying to get you to eat your new strawberries, lol, but also to let you know that if you would like to have a berry or two, that would be ok. It would actually be better for you to eat than that wheat bread.... now that can surely get us into trouble as wls patients...
Good luck! Keep us posted.
Yes she should be able to freeze them... I would just leave some inthe fridge for when she gets that "hankerin" feeling to have a few more.
My favorite protein shake ever was the first strawberry one I ever made! I used a vanilla protein powder, and dropped in 2 strawberries, and oh it tasted just like a regular strawberry shake! Well I dont know if it REALLY DID to anyone else, but it sure did to me at that moment! I thought, man alive if I just had a hamburger to go with this baby! lol
Well... are you gonna say you wouldn't think the same thing? lol
Yes Yes I hear ya on the pineapples. my bad., But, I did buy them and they are still at home! I will bring them soon. I wont eat them cause I like the little chunks or crushed, not the round slices.