My update---Good news!
Thank you I will check that out also, I didn't even think about Macy's and I will be in Savannah today also, that is if I can get past the St. Patty's day celebration that is going on, that is a huge event in Savannah they even had a parade there yesterday and they party like crazy on the waterfront. I don't mind because I am Irish so its pretty nice to see everybody celebrating my heritage and having fun, lots and lots of fun lol
Thanks again!!
Donna S
Cameron, NC
I'm glad things are going somewhat well. Just think, it could be a lot worse. I appreciate your thoughts on the jeans! Oh yeah, with a last name like O'Neal, I really love celebrating my heritage as well!
But on to more pressing business. Since you are adopting our state as yours, we must officially welcome you. To both our state and to the Losers Bench!
So here you go, may the Losers Bench be a place of rest after a long move. May it be full of comfort while sipping your favorite protein shake. Most of all, may it be splinter free!
Welcome Donna!