dips crackers or not
how do I say this in a kind way
Let me say it this way. If it were ME, no I would not do crackers. Let's say I am 3 wks out. I want to lose every single pound just as quickly as possible. I didnt have this surgery to waste my honeymoon snacking, grazing, eating stuff that is high in carbs, calories, fat, and very low in protein. I have a very tiny stomach that is the size of a thumb. I surely don't want to fill it with non protein food that will only take up room and prevent me from losing weight.
And, I have been given a new life. I am reborn 3 wks ago today. my tummy is only 3 wks old. I need to nurture it, be good to it, fill it with protein that will help me be strong and prevent me from losing muscle mass. I need to form and fashion good solid lifetime healthy patterns right now, in these few months. Its an investment and a sacrifice, but I must do what is right for me... or else one day I will still be stuck in the same old rut that got me to the place where I needed wls to get me out of...
thats as easy as I know how ot say it. Now, will crackers make me sick? Probably not. Will crackers feel good, taste good, go down easy? Probably will. But are they nutritionally sound and good for my new weight loss lifestyle? Definitely not. Just my opinion...
Now as to what you can do.. I dont remember pureed stages. Pork rhinds are zero carbs. You can have a few of those if you really want the crunch. Are you able to have any cucumber slices with the seeds picked out? I cant remember! I'm sure there are folks who can remember since they are not as far out as I am , and don't have such a poor memory as me too...
Hi Joyce,
When I was sent home from the hospital my surgeon gave me some papers that had on it exactly what I could have and when I could have it and in what amounts I was to have it in. So for example when I got to puree stage I had a list of things under puree stage that I could choose from. My motto became if it is not on the list then it can not pass my lips.
I used those papers like they were my bible.
I put my high protein dips on a baby spoon. No crackers!
Now that I am 2 years out I like to use veggies or high protein chips, sometimes regular crackers. So the no crackers is not forever, just not right now. Your new tummy is like a new baby. You don't have much room so you must fill what space you have with good, nourishing protein.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
The plastic surgery was more painful than the WLS but only because of the extent of the incisions. I have an incision completely around my body at the hip line and another that goes from between my breasts, crosses the horizontal incision and ends at the labia. I also had a hernia repaired at the same time as the plastics so that made it a bit more difficult too.
Over all the pain has not been bad. Certainly not as bad as I had expected from talking to others. I was sent home with good pain meds and I took them every 4 hours according to instructions. By the end of the first week I was only taking them every 6 - 8 hours and by 10 days I was off of them completely.
I am currently 5 weeks post op and feel great!
It sounds like you are doing very well now. Keep it up!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.