And Yet Another Step...
So, I thought I was to the point that all my paperwork could be sent to insurance. But, apparently now I have to have lab work done (this coming Friday) and a nutritional evaluation (which will be on 3/24 and that was the soonest I could get) before it can be sumitted to insurance. I feel like I'm on a new game show called Who Wants To Be a Loser and there's that grotesquely long pause before you find out if you have the right answer. I want to know I'm approved and THAT is my final answer!
You have to love the waiting game. I however have no patience. I will say though that the ladies I've been working with at Centennial are awesome. And, if it means a couple weeks delay to make sure I have everything then I'm OK with that. I feel like I'm Smurfette going "Are we there yet Papa Smurf". Anyways, that's my update. If that is one.