Kidney Stones
Ok, this is probably another question for the veterans - or maybe not. I have been reading a lot of stuff lately and different things that folks have posted. It seems there are a fair number of folks out there that experience kidney stones after WLS. Is that normal? Did they have problems pre WLS or is it something that occurs after WLS? I've never had problems with that, and from what I've heard and read, I don't want to either. So, I was just wondering about it.
I had kidney stones just a few months ago. Yikes it hurt! I also had one back in 1999. Worst pain I ever had in my life up to that point. But I must say, I think the gallbladder was the WORST now. Its a pain I wont soon forget.
Anyway, the urologist said that mine was probably due to dehydration, to hydrate more with fluids. I don't drink enough, shame on me! But I am trying. He said there was one stone causing the problems, and another stone was in the kidney... it would probably pass on its own if I drink lots of fluids.
Yes it is a result of rapid weight loss. Or it can be... you possibly could just be one of those people who are prone to have kidney stones...
Thankfully, I don't have the gallbladder or kidney stone trouble - currently and I'm praying I don't develop either, but I know either one could happen due to the rapid weight loss. I tell you as much pain as I was in last Tuesday night, I half way wonder if I really didn't have a kidney stone - that was the doc's 1st thought but then he said it was probably the beginning of an ulcer - so who knows for sure as the tests they did were inconclusive.
A friend of mine who is a surgeon said that if you take vitamins with high levels of minerals and you do not do enough activity to use the minerals they can create stones. I too have noticed a lot of people posting about stones and wonder if the levels of supplements verses absorption is the cause? Bob
I had kidney stone issues prior to surgery due to a medication I take. This is the one medication I have not gotten off of following my weight loss. One of the side effects is that it can cause kidney stones. So, I actually have had to add another medication to deal with that side effect, potassium citrate and it is nasty!!
I have not had a major issue since surgery. I have had a couple of mild episodes but nothing that sent me to the ER.
Some people are just prone to stone formation whether they have had WLS or not. My mother is prone to kidney stones too. My urologist has told me that it tends to be a hereditary thing.
He did tell me that the best way to ward off stones is to drink plenty of fluids and add lemon juice to your water. Not lemon flavoring or imitation lemonade like **** must be real lemon juice. The citric acid helps prevent stones.
Also, make sure your calcium supplement is calcium citrate NOT calcium carbonate. Make sure you read the label. Calcium carbonate contributes to stone formation too. You will find calcium carbonate in antacids like Tums and Rolaids too so watch your intake of these as well.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.