Bathroom Issues
Ok, since I see we talk about most anything on this site as it relates to WL, I am going to venture out here. Since my surgery, I have had constipation issues due to lack of fiber. I've never been one where drinking more water helps that problem out much. So, I was trying to decide what to do. Finally called my nutritionist and she suggested Bene Fiber (at first I thought she said Beneful and I was wondering why she wanted me to eat dog food - but I digress). Anyway, let me just say, Benefiber has been my saving grace. I have about an 8-10 ounce glass of CL or Wyler's SF beverage of choice each morning and I had approximately 2 tsps of the Benefiber to it. It starts my day off good as I'm getting in my fluids and fiber at the same time. It has been wonderful since I've been doing this and it is now a part of my daily routine.
So for anyone out there that has experienced this problem or is experiencing it, keep Benefiber in mind. It does come in chewables as well as caplets, but I decided since I already take so many supplements (non-chewable), I didn't need to add any more to "Sallie Mae" (my pouch) as she has a tendency to be a little testy when I put too many pills in at once.
Well I just drink espresso each morning. That keeps me regular for whatever reason. Or you could try my stupid stunt and go eat a bunch of stuff and have an episode of dumping and carb shock. I would not recommend that however! It was not a good thing to behold or experience!
Susan said that Milk Of Magnesia is good. I haven't tried it since going back to my good faithful friend, espresso.
Given my current issues with the possibility of an ulcer, I don't think I'll try your neat trick and I've had "MOM" before and couldn't stand it then and probably couldn't stand it now. The really good thing about the Benefiber is that you really can't taste or smell it in what you are drinking, so that is good for me.
I take Dulcolax stool softener every day. Also, my morning cappuccino really does kickstart things for me. LOL
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I have the same problem! I tried Miralax that my doctor suggested, but it made me sick and then didn't work. So, he then suggested MOM. It worked, but too well. I am now taking Dulcolax every night. I also drink coffee in the morning but that has never seemed to make a difference to me. I may try the Benefiber. Anything to take one less pill!!!