update for those that were worried
I ended up toughing it out in Nashville and flooding my kidneys with water while I was out there and taking phenergan for the vomiting. I was really nervous about going to a hospital that I wasn't familiar with. If it had been my own health I wouldn't have worried so much but being pregnant and having my other two children there was really making me a wreck. I was pretty sure that I would be admitted and dh was in school. If he had not been able to finish the week he would have had to go back for another week and we would have had to absorb the expenses for that week. ANYWAYS, when we got back home on Friday I went to my ob and he immediately admitted me to the hospital on iv fluids,zofran, and a morphine pump. The morphine wasn't controlling the pain so we did morphine pump and then demerol every 3hours. I finally passed the stone yesterday morning and immediately felt relief. With my kidneys backed up I guess they weren't working correctly because of the stone. I gained 23 lbs of fluid while I was there and since I came home yesterday I've been struggling trying to get it off. It amazes me that I lived for years so much heavier than this. I feel like I'm wearing one of those fat suits they put on people on television. My thighs are huge and my stomach, while even though I'm pregnant, is enormous. I've been peeing like crazy so I know I'm getting rid of the fluid I just wi**** was going a little faster and I wasn't feeling so puny while it was happening. It's just exhausting. Anyways, thank you everyone for the concern that you've shown and I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. But, I didn't feel like being online while we were in Nashville and I honestly felt like I was dying while I was in Parkwest (Knoxville). Today is the first day I've even felt like holding the laptop while sitting up in bed. Thanks again, Janie
Janie-mom to Luke-11, Noah-9, Rachel-5, Caleb-4,
and Mary Beatrice-6-19-08
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Janie-mom to Luke-11, Noah-9, Rachel-5, Caleb-4,
and Mary Beatrice-6-19-08