My Ultrasound - Its A....
In a few days I will be 20 weeks pregnant and half way through my pregnancy. Where does the time go?? I had my ultrasound yesterday and it was amazing. We found out we are having a GIRL!!! We couldn't be any more excited. Our girl is healthy and growing right on schedule. Everything seems to be going just great. I started feeling movement and kicks a couple weeks ago and they are getting stronger everyday. I have the "normal" issues with pregnancies like back-aches, major mood swings and dizzy spells but I really have no complaints (mostly because what good does complaining do??). Now knowing what the sex is, I finally feel like I can bond with my baby and begin to prepare for her arrival. I have lots to do now so hopefully these next 20 weeks won't fly by like the 1st 20. .
I had a couple vitamins come back low in my blood work. My B12 and my Vitamin D. I had quit taking my Calcium with Vitamin D so I know why that was low. I had just assumed I was getting enough Calcium in my diet and forgot about the D part and I honestly just didn't want to take them 2-3 times a day when I was going through my naseau period so I just didn't. I can now do better with that knowing it came back low. I asked my OB about just going to buy some extra B12 to start taking. She said she would prefer that I go back to Vandy and discuss that with them instead of me just trying to "fix" it on my own. Going back to Vandy is difficult right now with all the changes they are going through but I guess we will see if they can do anything for me.
That is my update. I didn't know how to post pictures inside this post but I did put an ultrasound picture and a picture of me taken yesterday at about 5 months pregnant on my profile if you want to see my "bulging" belly! Thanks for everyone support!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Thanks Beth! She will definatley be rotten! She is the 1st girl on my husbands side of the family so my mother-in-law is already preparing! I am pretty sure I will be at the lunch on Saturday. I don't do a whole lot these days when I am not working but I need to try and do more. It is good for me. Hope to see you there.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.