Product Review
I have added a product review section on my website message board where anyone can add their opinions on the different products they have used.
Anyway, I was going to say that last night, Tim & I stopped at Wild Oats. I had never been there before. I found a low carb pancake mix. You might have used it before. I hadn't. Its Maple Grove Farms All Natural and Sugar Free Reduced Calorie Pancake & Waffle Mix. I made these in two batches. One batch I cut and crumbled up a sugar free milk chocolate bar to make chocolate chip pancakes. The other, I added some blueberries that I needed to use.
The directions left the batter a little thick, so I just added a bit more water. I have always loved tiny thin pancakes. I had one with some SF Log Cabin syrup on it. OMG, it was so good. It was 3.49 for the 8.5 oz box. Their website is You can also buy this on or just drive on down to Wild Oats.
Here are the stats:
Serving: 1/3 cup dry mix (which you would NOT use if you ate one pancake the size I made mine... probably 4x4 inch round cakes at the largest)
Calories: 100
Total Fat: 2
Total carbs: 11 / Dietary fiber: 5 / Net carbs =6
Sugars: 0
Protein: 14 g