That's a great wow moment!!!! I feel so much better don't you? Still haven't gotten to meet you, but I hope all is going well. I skipped size 10, or maybe I should say I just kept wearing my 12's until they fell off. lol. I'm in an 8 comfortably . My original goal weight is only 12 lbs away, but I think I may go a little lower if I can. Keep up the great work, and maybe we'll meet soon. Kelly
Lala, that is fantastic in so short of a time frame. Congrads. By the way, your surgery was on my birthday. Great day to celebrate. I got younger and you became a loser. But I am proud of your accomplishment in the amount you have lost since surgery. That is really fantastic. Keep up the great work, and yes you will most likely continue to lose, if not in pounds you will in inches. Love