Question for the Veterans

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
HI I like my decafe tea with splenda, tastes like regular sugar, and I like sweet tea. Never could handle Equal, Sweet -n-low, but splenda. I take it to the hospital with me plus some brown sugar for that stuff they call oatmeal. Plus I make sure they give me decafe tea as I'm allergic to caffeine. You can also make homemade lemonade with splenda. Here's an easy recipe for the lemonade. Gallon of water, one and a half cups of lemon juice, and 3 cups of splenda. Stir and serve over ice. Another way to get in your water. Plus lemonade keeps kidney stones from forming. Unfortunately I didn't make much of it since September, and I have been having 4-6 stones a month. Both kidneys are full of stones, that are from calification deposits from my chemo. But for the past few months, I couldn't handle lemonade. Now I have some made in my fridge that is made from Crystal Lite. Pink. It doesn't make my pouch hurt so much like the yellow was doing.
Enjoy. Kathy