can't get it down or keep it down
Yesterday I drank some Cytosport tangerine... 2 oz of that plus 2 oz of water. It was ok.
Then, later I was working on my liquid intake, and did the same thing again. The last two drinks, I thought I was going to throw it all up! I will not be drinking two glasses back to back again! I'm considering not drinking any more tangerine for a long time! lol
Then last night when I tried the Vitamin Shoppe protein (it was only 6.99, how could I not buy it?), I only got half down and almost gagged. I didn't have to say a word. I just went into the kitchen, dumped it, and Tim said, "Didn't like it, huh?" NOOOOOooooo.
I will let someone else try it because they may like it. It might be good for a new postop that only needs 4 oz at a time... and its not that strong in flavor, which right after surgery, the taste buds are waaayyyy sensitive... so it might work for someone else... NOT ME at this point, however.
It could be the type of protein powder... not really sure...
Hi Joyce, I can fully understand the problem of trying to get protein to go down and stay down. Been there and still having that problem after 2 years. I have tried various different kinds, so I just had to increase my protein thru my food intake.
I pray you are able to find some kind that will work for you. Try taking it more often instead of just 3 times a day like one of the posts suggested. It might work better for you.

As someone else said earlier it could be the kind of protein powder you are using. I know I cannot keep Unjury protein down but I can keep Designer Whey down it doesnt bother me at all. I also drink the Isopure Protein drink, it comes in a 20oz bottle and has 40gs of protein in each bottle. I know your pouch is new so Im sure you wouldn't be able to drink that down right away but it does taste ok I have added water to it but the Apple Melon flavor is ok. Our bodies can't absorb the entire 40grams at one time any way so maybe you could drink half of it, just a suggestion. You will just have to experiment with different protein powders/drinks. Wish I could help you more and good luck.
Donna S
Cameron, NC
I bought some protein powder at Vitamin Shoppe last night, the kind I posted about and OMG no wonder you are vomiting. I thought I would vomit. I drank 4 oz... dumped it out, and had to get a vanilla yogurt to get the taste out of my mouth.
Hon I think its your protein powder. Why don't you do an experiment. Try using less powder in whatever you are using... OR have your husband fool you into giving you one of each: liquid without powder, liquid with powder and see if you can tell which one does it. It could be a psych thing, although I doubt it. Its worth a try. Hey' I'm up for anything to get to the bottom of this! lol
Get you some Kroger Carbmasters Yogurt. They are on sale right now. I hated yogurt but loved this kind in strawberry. Its very thick. You can do several things with this.... add protein powder to it to get more protein... you can add water and ice and make smoothies. You can eat it just as it is.... it has 3 net carbs, 3 sugars, 12 g protein! That is off the hook! The best stats in yogurt. They have rasberry, strawberry, vanilla and peach. Get one of each to see if you like them. They are buy 5, get one free and they are only 45 cents each.
Are you coming to the lunch bunch saturday? If so, a few of us can bring you some samples of protein powders. If not, I suggest going back to Vitamin Shoppe and buying the tasteless Any Whey protein powder. Also, get you some New Whey protein bullets. They are liquid. %otein powders. If not, I suggest going back to Vitamin Shoppe and buying the tasteless Any Whey protein powder. Also, get you some New Whey protein bullets. They are liquid. % back to Vitamin Shoppe and buying the tasteless Any Whey protein powder.
Also, get you some New Whey protein bullets. They are liquidyou haven't found a good protein powder yet... Vitamin Shoppe does also sell Elite protein powder. They have a good vanilla flavor, make sure its the one low in carbs. A 2 lb can is 24.99.
Hope this helps. The key is finding that good base protein powder.
My pouch rejects tuna now too. Wait a few weeks or months before trying it again.
As for protein. I agree that it is probably the brand of powder you are trying. There is such a variety out there. I would recommend going to and ordering the sample pack. That will give you several brands to try and give you a better chance of finding something you like before you shell out for a big container.
Instead of Isopuke (I mean Isopure) try Cytosport ready to drink. You can get this at The Vitamin Shoppe. It comes in a 20 oz bottle and has 40 grams of protein. This tastes so much better than Isopure and doesn't make me gag! It comes in watermelon, tangerine and tropical punch flavors. Since we only absorb up to 30 grams of protein per hour, divide this bottle into 2 servings. If it is too sweet, you can water it down or serve it over ice. It also counts as part of your fluids for the day.
Any Whey is a truly flavorless protein powder. So-o-o much better than Unjury unflavored. You can add this to soup, SF pudding, SF applesauce, yogurt, pretty much anything. If you are adding protein powder to anything hot...first add a little cold liquid to the powder to make a paste, then add your hot liquid/food. Just make sure it is no hotter than coffee from a drip coffeemaker. If you get PP too hot it will curdle into something even the dog won't touch.
A couple of other suggestions for items available locally...EAS Carb Control ready to drink. These come in vanilla, chocolate fudge, strawberry, and cafe caramel. The cafe caramel is my personal favorite because it has a coffee taste to it. Also, Slim Fast Low Carb. They have 20 grams of protein per can. Both of these are available at most Kroger's.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.