Hi Ya'll,
I've been caught! I knew as a junior homeroom teacher that going to the prom was a possibility, but I was trying to skate away from it. Well, I got caught skating and now I have to attend the prom as a chaperone. Of course my "date" will be going with me! (He just loves this stuff!!!) But I am in need of something to wear. I have a nice black sleeveless dress, calf length that I could wear, but I need a wrap to go with it. I have to cover these arms!!!! Sooooo, if anyone has a wrap or a nice ****tail - calf length dress in a 20-22 I can borrow for the month of April, I would grealy appreciate it. I have looked on line at plus size dresses and they are just too expensive for a one-time occasion. (next year I hope to be smaller for prom) Thanks and have a great day! (Check out Scott's blog for updated pics of he and I,
I have a site that I used to order dresses from and they are pretty resonable, not sure if they would have one for a prom but check them out: DeptId=9282&affiliate_id=012&affiliate_location_id=02&WT.src h=1
Hope this might help.
Donna S
Cameron, NC
Hi Beth,
You and your date are going to have a great time....
I do just want to prepare you (which is something I am sure you already know) the kids choice of music nowdays,,, well um let's just say refereing back to some previous post they ain't the Bee Gee's... Nor are they James Taylor for that matter but I digress...
Anybody that is reading this I would like to encourage you to visit Scott's blog and view Beth and Scott's photo for March 08... Talk about inspiration.... WOW... Beth you look fantastic... You are much smaller than the last time I saw you at IHOP..... You are beautiful......
Julie, Thank you for the kind words. I don't feel fantastic right now, (Alice is revolting) but thank you. I know their music is not my cup of tea. I will probably stay out of the ballroom and collect tickets and help at the door. My "date" can go and listen to the music if he prefers. (Somehow I dought it LOL)