When mental help is denied...and you don't care

on 3/7/08 4:59 am - Jasper, TN

Dear Lord please find it in your loving heart to deliver me from Satan Herself…..Little Debbie….


Jungle Love


Everything’s better when wet….


The question to everyone’s answer is usually asked from within……


We live in a world of illusion where everything’s peaches and cream…..


What a good week…I had a great Doctor visit, my partner and I took a couple of days off, and now it might snow tonight…..

I’m a big music nut. I always have some playing. I like to dance….I’m horrible at it…I like the way the music makes me feel….when I’m dancing I forget about the reality of crap that goes on daily…..Our ancient  ancestors danced to communicate with “beyond”..”God”…”The Great Whatever” the point is lower your stress……and move.   Step out of yourself….find some music you like…..it doesn’t matter what kind it is as long as you like it…..put it on…..  Get up and move….whether you do this as part of your exercise or just as fun….allow yourself to get lost… {Picture kids playing in the park}…..look like a fool…..laugh….enjoy yourself.  It’s a great stress reducer…..it also helps to put things into perspective……it says” I’m putting myself first….I don’t care if I look crazy….. This is fun……Hell; at least I’m not eating something”

Sing…even if you suck at it….Sing because it allows your voice to become one with the universe…it lets them know you here and your just a little off…Keep everyone guessing……it can make others wonder why you don’t seem to mind that your basket is not completely full.

Today I danced to The Steve Miller’s Band Jungle Love from which I took the italicized quotes that appear above….and The B-52’s 1989 album Cosmic Thing….(you know the one with Love Shack)……I also sang really loud…. to all of it…even  made up my own words…..how’s that for crazy….

Hey Y’all…… Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Have a great snowy weekend

And Shake your Honey Buns…..

Truly Trina
on 3/7/08 7:32 am - Nashville, TN
Hey Flipper: So good to see you post..... I am going to challenge you here:::::      "Everything" is not better when wet, for instance:  a sand castle, or a pair of dry pants for the person that has an incognizant experience with bladder control..a parade... a fun outing planned at the beach.... a blanket..... Yes, my friend there are a lot of people that live on the street called "Illusion"... you can find that street at the corner of "peaches" and "cream"...  then there are the rest of the population that reside on reality avenue...that one can easily be found at the corner of "my rent is due avenue" and "i need to feed my family circle"....... So lets do submerge ourselves in a little Steve Miller Band..... I am up for it.....Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future........   And an all time favorite of mine...  Fleetwood Mac   "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow........   And guess what ... I am not even a democrat........ I have my eye on you flipper.... even when you think no one else in the whole friggen universe understands you..... guess what... Trina has your #

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 3/8/08 12:05 am - Jasper, TN
My Dear Sister I'll be praying for you......you know not being a Democrat and all Peace Keith P.S. Long live illusion.

Truly Trina
on 3/8/08 2:31 am - Nashville, TN
LOL,,,  yep, I am helpless.....your prayers will fall on deaf ears... Hmmm... illusion,,,something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.  The state or condition of being deceived.   I dunno flipper, I took charge of my own destiny and made myself accountable for my own actions (which is hard as hell to do) therefore that left no room what so ever for illusion..... Illusions made me fat, helpless, depressed and alone.  I no longer rally for the side of illusion...   Here are some of the buddies that tag along with illusion,     baloney, hogwash, scam, trap, con game, fallacy........ You have come too far flipper.....You have conquered too much....

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Melissa W.
on 3/8/08 12:14 pm - Nashville, TN
Ok, now you have done it and brought up two of my favorite topics.... I love music and make sure I sing as often as I can... in the car of course where no one hears but me and occassionally my son. Poor Kid!  Then there is dancing.... look... I have to make use of all this bottom so I try to make it a point to shake it on occassion. Fleetwood Mac... Love them! But, I love a bunch of music... especially the B52s but I like Roam more than Love Shack. I can't even tell you how much I love music! Sometimes I think the only reason I am sane is because of music. K, I will shut up now... LOL!
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