Well I wanted to be the first to give you a Big Congarat on your date but someone had me blocked.... Then I thought to myself that you had me blocked as a April fool gag!!!!! So now you will just have to sift through all of these well deserved Congrats that you have from your many friends... Maybe me and Bob n Atlanta will work harder on not be blocked by your crazy self....
I will trail off now singing I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control but I think I like it.......
LOL....... Okay fine give me the dang schedule..... I meant BamaBob any way not Bob in Atlanta..... So I am sure you and Debbie got a good "free" chuckles from that one too..... LOL You just wait.... your time is coming...... I have devised a plan for a photo op when you are just out of ICU on April's Fool Day...... It couldn't have happened to a better person.......