Prayers Please

Chandra A.
on 3/7/08 1:26 pm - Nashville, TN

Centennial received the the last of my medical records today.  I am hoping it gets sent to BCBS by the end of next week.  So, hopefully in the next 2 or 3 weeks I'll know if I'm approved.  It's been a long road to this point and I am SOOOO ready.  If you all could just forward a few prayers to the man upstairs for me.  It'd be much appreciated. For people who had surgery at Centennial, once you had the consult with the surgeon about how long did it take to get a date for surgery?  And, I asked this a long time ago but I don't remember all the answers I got.  What are the best things to take to the hospital?  I've never had major surgery before so I'm clueless about what I can and should take.  Also, what are the best things to stock up on before so that I have it here when I get home and don't have to make runs to the store.  And last question for this posting.  Does anyone know of walking parks close to the Antioch/ south Nashville area? Lastly, I again appreciate all the information you all provide on here.  You all are such a blessing to provide first hand and honest information.  Wishing everyone a blessed weekend!

Kathy Newton
on 3/7/08 4:54 pm - LaVergne, TN

Hi Sweetie, can't answer all your questions, but will try and answer some. First stock up on sf popsicles, sf jello, soup broth, maybe some apple juice.  I didn't have surgery at Cenntenial so I can't answer that question.  Expect a denial from BCBS right offf the bat.  Their computers automatically send out a denial. When it happens start calling them every other day, find out what else you need or they need for the approval. They're good about paying for the surgery, but expect the first response to be a denial.  It's normal.  So don't get upset when you get it.   I know it's cold out right now, but it may not be time you have your surgery, have someone from home bring a small fan, it drowns out the hall noise.  Chap stick, a hair brush, tooth paste and tooth brush, slippers, a robe.  And comfortable clothes to wear home in.  You won't be having a shower while the drain tubes are in, so don't worry about all the toiletries like shampoo or conditioner.  The only one I am aware of is in LaVergne, as I have walked that one with my son, but I am not familar with Antioch parks.  When my son lived there, he lived in an apartment complex that had a pool and gym. 

As for soups, chicken noodle, vegtable soup, just strain the broth off, save the other stuff, add water to them for a second cup or 2 ozs of broth before throwing them away.  Wonton soup is good, I will recommend to not buy chicken noodle from Dollar General, it's too yellow like butter. Don't do too much stocking up at the beginning especially on protein, your taste buds will change regularly.  You may like something one day, and throw it up the next.  Wait a few days and try it again.  I'm two years out, and there are days when the taste of something doesn't settle with me.  I'll wait a week or two try it again and have no problems.  The broth from Roman noodles is also very good. I didn't care for the bullion cube broth, or just the broth out of a can, too bland for me.  Others had no problems with it. 

One other piece of advice, register with Medic Alert.  It's $25 a year or $65 for 3 years. They will put on your paperwork that they send you, to not have the n/g tube put down the nose as it is forced and can rupture the pouch.  The Dr.'s are to use the endoscope down the throat instead.  This is vitally important incase you are unconscious.  A lot of us are registered, and in my case it has saved my life several times.  The number is 1-800-ID-ALERT.  The only time my necklace comes off is for xrays.  Otherwise it stays on.  Plus if it is left in an x-ray room, they can contact medic alert and send it to you. 

As for prayers, that goes without asking, this board is there backing you up with prayers and support.  I pray daily for everyone on this board.  I have been on it the longest.  I've seen a lot come and go, and I've learned a lot by reading other posts. 

May God travel with you on this new journey.


 Kathy Newton

on 3/7/08 5:20 pm - Nashville, TN
The old Antioch High School off Blue Hole Road has a walking track that is not bad!!  I wish you a speedy recovery and you have my prayers!! Shelia
Melissa W.
on 3/8/08 12:02 pm - Nashville, TN

 In my thoughts and prayers!!!

Truly Trina
on 3/9/08 6:19 am - Nashville, TN
Hi SweetMsRe: This is great news....  I am so excited for you.  Yes hun you have worked long and hard at this.......I have seen how hard you have struggled...  Guess what?  God has seen it too and he is a God of Mercy and Love............. All my best to you and I am here if you need me........

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Chandra A.
on 3/9/08 8:03 am - Nashville, TN
Thank you all so much for the support!  You are truly a great bunch of people!
on 3/9/08 10:51 am - La Vergne, TN
Revision on 02/06/12
Welcome to the board! Which Doc and which surgery? Be sure to take chap stick with you (valseline, the thicker the better) slippers pajama pants (personal preference - I can't stand my legs to touch) CMC provides fans (best i remember, they have to be checked by maintence)
Highest weight 297; lowest lapband wt 218; highest regain: 261; lapband removal/ VSG OR weight:240
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