Nick's birth story, pics - This is a long one!
Finally on February 23rd, after 20 hours of labor followed by a c-section, Nicholas finally arrived. Induction started at 12 am on Saturday. I hadn't had any sleep prior due to the excitement and anticipation of being induced. My mom and her husband showed up (I told her to not come so early b/c there was no telling how long it would take for things to progress, but she came anyways) She and her husband just sat and watched me laying there as pitocin did absolutely nothing for me, making annoying and sarcastic comments whenever possible. I tried to sleep and rest but they wouldn't shut up and couldn't take the hint that my husband and I just wanted to be left alone. Next time, I'm not telling anyone when I go in to deliver lol Anyways, I was having annoying contractions throughout the early morning...they weren't painful..well no more painful as regular menstrual cramps. Anyways, by 8 am more family showed up to sit and watch. By this point, I dialated to a whoppin' "tight" 2 cm. Baby wasn't liking the pitocin so the dosage was adjusted constantly. I was told to flip around a lot too. At 9:30 am, my doc finally came in to check me out. I was still a tight 2 cm. She broke my water and did the internal monitor thing....that was very awkward b/c she had such a hard time piercing my bag of water. As soon as the doctor walked out the door, the contractions came very fast and very strong. I didn't have time between them to catch my breath. I had an epidural within 10 minutes. Not much else was going on. I did have trouble with low blood pressure but was remedied with ephedra. So I had that nervous, jittery feeling going on too. I had effective contractions and my nurses and doc gave me hope that since they were so effective that I would be able to deliver vaginally, but in the end I couldn't dialate pass a "tight" 4 cm and I got about 70% effaced. Around 7 pm, I was so exhausted and frustrated, I told everyone to just leave me family was still there, sitting and watching as nothing happened. As soon as everyone left, a nurse came rushing in with an oxygen mask, scaring the living crap out of me... once again Nick wasn't handling the contractions very well. He stablized and a little bit later I was checked again...there was no change. So the nurse started talking about opting for a csection. I told her I would think about it...I really didn't want to go that route, but I was just so tired and I wanted it to be over with...I just wanted to hold my little boy in my arms.... I wanted to sleep and to eat (I hadn't ate in over 24 hours) Around 8:15, I decided to go ahead with the section. My husband didn't take the news very well...He didn't want me to have another abdominal surgery..he was worried about losing me which just sent me over the edge emotionally. I just wanted him hold my hand and say, "its okay" At any rate, I was in the OR by 8:30 and Nicholas was born at 9:02 pm, weighing 6lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long. My OB told me that I have a narrow pelvis and there was no way he would have been able to be delivered vaginally. He was also face up which makes it harder too.
Its been almost 2 weeks and it has been hard. The first week and a half, I spent in tears, I was an emotional wreck for various reasons. We are having trouble breastfeeding and the first week was the worst. He would suck on my breast for an hour sometimes longer and he would still be hungry. He would latch on and then fall asleep within a few minutes..I was a human pacifier. I felt like I was starving him. At Nick's newborn appointment on the 28th, he weighed 6lbs 1oz...he lost 10 ounces in 5 days...I felt horrible.I thought surely once my milk came in, we would be okay, but that was not the case. I've since been to see a lactation consultant. Nick has a tongue tie which is prohibiting him from feeding properly. I have flat nipples so I have to use a breast shield until we can get Nick's tongue clipped. The shields are a pain in the ass, they're hard to keep in place when you have a screaming, kicking baby in your arms trying to latch on. So the LC wants me breastfeed Nick for 30 minutes with the shields, then I supplement with 1.5 oz of formula with a special feeder bottle and then I have to pump whatever is left in my by the time I get all that done and then wash the pump parts and special feeder bottle (we only have 1 b/c they're expensive), its time to feed him again. I may have 20 minutes sometimes before he needs to eat again. I want to give up just about every day, but I keep plugging along. Everyone tells me it takes weeks to get into the swing of things. As for me, recovery from the csection has been hard and painful. I'm still very swollen and sore and I'm pretty sure my incision is infected which I'm taking antibiotics for. My OB assured me that the next time wouldn't be as body won't have to labor for hours like this time. I do feel cheated out of ever experiencing a vaginal delivery though. I guess that is something I'll eventually get over with time.
Here are some pictures!!
First family picture :-)
Mommy and Nick
Nicholas swaddled
Nicholas in his Sweet Peace swing
April, You have been through a lot these past few weeks and you will go through more as Nick is growing, just make sure that you take care of yourself and you are getting all of your vitamins, protein and fluid, so you will be well to take care of Nick. The feelings you are experiencing are completly normal about feeling robbed about the birth experience, I too had an C- Section and never had the first labor pain, so I know exactly how you feel, yes it is strange to have wanted to have that "pain", but it is something you know only you as a women can experience, is the birth of a child. Just remember that you or possibly Nick may not have been here if you had not done the C-Section and you are both better off for it! Take Care, Shelia

~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in