Hi Melissa: Why the sad face!!!! We know this is only temporary... I am going to tell you like I tell my daughter "We Are Building Character." There is one thing about your post that jumped out at me and I want to share: You said "I don't have to dress up", I think this is a bad idea.... You know how we feel if we lay around all day in our stretch pants and faded T-shirt... We feel pretty crappy..... I challenge you to something...... I want you to get up each morning, put on your pretty clothes, with your matching sparkle accessories and go to work.... Guess what... if you feel good about yourself then the rest of the world takes notes...... Then all of the sudden if you are positive and feel beautiful and feel successful then the world around you all of the sudden wants to have you because they want part of that.... Do you think successful people are people that go to work in casual or dress down or stretch pants... Heck no... They dress the part .... and they are successful.... Melissa, you are way too pretty of a young woman to dress down... Trust me I have seen you in person and I know what I am talking about. You are gorgeous...