Endocrine Dr Cuts Vagous
Did you all see on the news this morning... there is an endocrinologist who is cutting the vaggous (sp?) in people who are overweight... . its the vein, artery, nerve?? that makes you feel hungry. all you medical staff feel free to chime in and correct me here!
Anyway, it takes 20 minutes to perform... and people are losing weight from it... but not as rapid as other weight loss surgeries... they showed a guy who had it done. He's lost a lot the past two years... it would be something much slower, of course. I just thought it was interesting!
From my quicky research on vagus nerve and weight loss on medlineplus and cdc then good ole google...there is not a whole lot out there regarding research yet... Here is a link that I found from last July regarding an ongoing research http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/02/AR2007070201063.html
If the final research shows that it works, I think it is really good news!! I will have to keep watching.
From my quicky research on vagus nerve and weight loss on medlineplus and cdc then good ole google...there is not a whole lot out there regarding research yet... Here is a link that I found from last July regarding an ongoing research http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/02/AR2007070201063.html
If the final research shows that it works, I think it is really good news!! I will have to keep watching.