Home From Hospital

on 3/6/08 4:41 am - Antioch, TN
Well, I just made it from home from about a 36 hour stay at Baptist.  I went in on Tuesday night (very late) and got home today.  Everything was going great - until I took those blasted evening pills.  About 30 minutes later, I was in the worst pain I can remember ever being in (my pain from the actual surgery wasn't even that bad).  Call Dr. McDowell and explained what was going on - I was even vomiting.  He thought it sounded as if I had a kidney stoney but suggested I go in to see what was going on.  I spent all night in the ER.  They drew blood and did a CT scan.  Nothing really significant showed up.  There isn't a blockage or stricture.  He thinks I might have a low level ulcer and has changed me from Pepcid to Protonix.  I have had reflux disease for a very long time and had been on Nexium prior to surgery, so I was a little shocked when he switched me to Pepcid.  Anyway, I go see him next Friday for a follow-up and we will go from there.  He did say since this was the 2nd episode I had, if there was another one before the 1st 6 months were up, he would start looking further into what the problem might be.  He said he would definitely want to rule out a bowel blockage - sounds like fun! Anyway, I hated to miss support group on Tuesday night, hopefully, I will be there next month.  As far as Saturday is concerned, since that is my mom's b-day, I will be spending the day with her and the rest of the family, so I will see you all at the next event. Have fun and take care.

lghthsewtchr AKA Wendy Siebert

Cheryl P.
on 3/6/08 4:51 am - Antioch, TN
Hate to hear about your news, I hope that they find out what the heck is going on with you real soon. Wish you could be with us on Sat, but we understand, hope your mom has a great birthday. Get to feeling better real soon. Keep us posted on ya. Cheryl



Truly Trina
on 3/6/08 5:25 am - Nashville, TN
Hi sweetie, I am so sorry to hear about you medical troubles.  I am glad that you are home.....   I hope you got my message........   I would hate to have to send to you a personal mail o gram at you door in a bunny suit doing a dance and all when you feel like crap..... So don't force me...... Hugs, Trina

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 3/6/08 6:24 am - Madison, TN
I sure hate that you had to go through this!  Hope you heal up well and fast!


Donna S.
on 3/6/08 7:48 am - Shallotte, NC
Sorry to hear you've went such a rough ordeal but glad to hear you are home now and doing much better. I had something similar to happen, I took dry zinc and OMG!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to die. I was vomitting because the pain was so intense I just knew I had some kind of blockage or what have you but after 4 to 5 hours the pain finally went away. But, a few days later I tried the dry zinc again just to see if that is what caused my pain and OMG!!!!!!!!!!! it happend again so needless to say I don't take dry zinc any longer I do the lozengers they don't bother me at all. My pouchy got really grouchy so I know better to do that to her again lol. Hugs

Donna S
Cameron, NC

on 3/6/08 8:06 am - Antioch, TN
Thanks girls for the encouragement and well wishes.  Yeah, Trina, I just don't know if I could handle the bunny at the door or not - laughing is not the best medicine for me as sore as I am.  I feel like I'm back at square one right now and having to be real gentle again with everything I do and eat.  The really weird thing is I've not really had any nutrition or liquids for the last 2 days (and the doc said that was ok given I was trying to heal again), but my weight has increased just a tad.  I was rather disappointed about that when I got home and saw the scales.  But I figure, it is holding on to what it can since I've been selective in what has gone in since this happened.  You know, you get a little scared to eat/drink anything after something like this happens.  But, it will get better and the weight will start going down again.  Thanks again and hopefully, this is the last time I have to deal with this.  But,I think I'm really going to investigate some new vitamins because it seems as if that is what is doing it everytime this happens.  I just absolutely hate chewable vitamins.

lghthsewtchr AKA Wendy Siebert

Truly Trina
on 3/6/08 2:54 pm - Nashville, TN
Okay so laughter may not be the best thing for you at this time...  So I have decided that I am going to store all your laugh lines in a handy tote sack so I can use them on you at a later date...  So don't think you are ever off the hook cause you are not.....LOL As far as vitamins are you taking, I am taking the Flintstones chewable multi vitamin?    I love these and still take them to this day....  Now I have to sort them out by color because red is my favorite and purple comes in second place and orange is by far in last place... So usually pebbles and bam bam get chewed up first, then Wilma and Betty go to their destiny.... Pretty much Fred and Barney and sometime Dino are dominant orange colors.... so there you go.....

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 3/6/08 7:20 pm - Antioch, TN
I tried the Flintstones and couldn't stomach them at all.  Whenever I would get them up to my mouth to chew them, the smell would overwhelm me so much I would begin to gag.  I am going to see about purchasing some other type of chewable vitamin as I believe the vitamins are part of the problem.  So, I've got to look around this weekend and see what I can find.  Thanks for the info though.

lghthsewtchr AKA Wendy Siebert

on 3/6/08 11:30 am - Orange County :), TN
Well wishes!

06/07/12 - Dr. Sauceda LBL, BL/BA, Arm Lift, Fat Transfer and Neck Lift

Donna S.
on 3/6/08 9:03 pm - Shallotte, NC

I don't like the chewable vitamins either they make me want to , I take Viactiv Multi-Vitamins, I get the milk chocolate flavored ones. Its tastes like eating a piece of fudge. I take one every morning and I also take a liquid calcium which tastes ok I can tolerate it. I had to try many different ones before I found out which ones I could handle. Hope you can find some that agree with you because I surely understand where you are coming from and Im sure eveybody else can also. Hugs

Donna S
Cameron, NC

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